Arlo and Janis by Jimmy Johnson for January 11, 2016

  1. Doug3
    baddawg1989  about 9 years ago

    You being an Auburn fan, Arlo, you probably won’t watch Bama in the National Championship game tonight.

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    carlosrivers  about 9 years ago

    until they come up with a legitimate playoff system, college football is a farce!!!

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    carlosrivers  about 9 years ago

    it’s just a gambling venue, not sports venue…

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    Flossie Mud Duck  about 9 years ago

    But of course, in eight months he WILL watch it.

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    Q4horse  about 9 years ago

    At least now the student athletes can get paid.

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    ralphyork666  about 9 years ago

    Janis needs to get her goal posts in the air and give Arlo a focal point for a touchdown.

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    Kevin Jordan  about 9 years ago

    Now settle in for more presidential campaigning…another embarrassing spectacle of greed and hypocrisy.

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    ARLOS DAD  about 9 years ago

    Can’t wait until September….

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    wellis1947 Premium Member about 9 years ago

    Actually, colleges and universities should go back to the original plan for sports, which was to give students a reason to exercise.

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    kosskoss  about 9 years ago

    Pro football on Saturday and College football on Monday night? Very no.

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    wolfman47130  about 9 years ago

    Better luck next season Arlo.

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    K M  about 9 years ago

    Wouldn’t this be better run tomorrow, after the Clemson/Alabama game?

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    JAE in MN  about 4 years ago

    I quit watching all football about 4 years ago, due to the head trauma issues (also present in other sports, but easily worst in football) and how the leagues and conferences mostly ignore them. I wasn’t a hugely rabid fan, but did watch my share of hours. And no, I found fairly quickly that I don’t miss it at all— found other things to do with my time.

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