Betty by Gary Delainey and Gerry Rasmussen for January 20, 2016

  1. Abcd3
    redback  about 9 years ago

    heh. well played. Or she could have set it so ’hubby’s favorite’ was only salad

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  2. Abcd3
    redback  about 9 years ago

    by the way, when I was a kid I kinda hated fish (but I used to say I liked it, probably expecting something like inverse psychology in my parents). When I grew up I noticed there are different kinds of fish, some I don’t like, some I like them a lot. Plus there are different ways to cook them (or even raw, as in sushi. I love raw salmon)

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  3. Butterfly
    QuietStorm27  about 9 years ago

    @redback I’ve always liked fish, I only recently discovered salmon – it’s not my fave but my daughter loves it. I can’t get myself to try sushi. I don’t like Tilapia, I usually eat cod, flounder and perch.

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  4. Missing large
    gammaguy  about 9 years ago

    Heads. It’s fish tails.

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