The Adventures of Business Cat by Tom Fonder for February 15, 2016
Accountant: You've gone through the entire building and there's not a single staff member we can afford to let go? Business Cat: They're all essential. Janet gives me scratches, Mae does my food bowl, Rob changes the litter, and the rest have warm laps to sit on. Accountant: Well, I don't know what else to tell you. There's no way I can balance these books with the current number of staff. Someone has to go.
blunebottle almost 9 years ago
Yeah, I’d fire the accountant, too.
Coyoty Premium Member almost 9 years ago
The cat is not an accountant person.It was the right decision. He’s not a good accountant if he can’t find a solution without layoffs, instead of cutting material costs or increasing revenue. Too many companies take layoffs as the easy way out.
bobbykeyes almost 9 years ago
This actually happened to me. But I have nine lives and survived. I sitll have 6 left.
granitewhite almost 9 years ago
Of course, someone will have to take up the accounting slack… or else we’re on track to match Business Crab’s performance…
ZombiRunn3 over 6 years ago
LittleSnek about 6 years ago
I feel bad for him.
CreeperBoy135 over 4 years ago
Look at the advertisement! He has hope after all…
Shadow Reapz almost 4 years ago
The strip itself is already funny, but noticing the job search board in the third panel makes it even better.
KeeganSweeney over 3 years ago
Look at the sign next to him. Jobsearch.