Tom the Dancing Bug by Ruben Bolling for January 15, 2016
NEWS of the TIMES: toddler menace. A report that more Americans were shot last year by toddlers than by isalmic terrorists has shocked an incredulous, frightened nation! Trump: until we figure out what's going on, we need to build a wall around america to keep these kids out! Luckily, playpen gates are cheap, interlocking, and at colorful! Americans are fearful. Man: Its scary! I mean, I live with a toddler! Im gonna have to buy some more guns to protect myself! Legislation has been introduced to limit toddlers' access to firearms, at least while in the "terrible twos" But the NRA has blocked it! Polticican: the only way to stop Bad boys and girls with guns… Is good boys and girls with guns. Increased surveillance of the tots where they congregate has alarmed intelligence sources. Here are toddlers engaged in what could only be described as military training. Trump: Meanwhile, the news that americans are as likely to be killed by terrorist as by furniture has sparked new panic! Trump: until figure out whats going on we need to ban the import of Persian rugs and ottomans!
Randy B Premium Member about 9 years ago
What’s going on?!?We need to stop EVERYTHING until we figure this out!
Richard Howland-Bolton Premium Member about 9 years ago
‘Incredulous’—-of a person or their manner, unwilling or unable to believe something. America an ‘incredulous’ nation??!?!? “You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.”
NeedaChuckle Premium Member about 9 years ago
Excellent. Hits the nail on the head. But Trump will be president none the less. The country is gripped by fear. Pogo is never wrong. Oft quoted, We have met the enemy and they is us!.
Linguist about 9 years ago
President Trump ! Those two words are enough to send chills down the spine of any rational person.Just say it over and over until it becomes second nature. You’ll get used to it. Go on ! Say it, again…President Trump…See, that wasn’t so scary, was it ?
MaryWorth Premium Member about 9 years ago
Nice work, Ken!
Malcolm Hall about 9 years ago
Everyone should reread the play “Rhinoceros” so we can begin acclimating ourselves to the new world.
Elmer Gantry Fudd about 9 years ago
Hahaha! Worrying about Islamic terror is just silly!
Mr. Blawt about 9 years ago
It’s time to stop the political correctness and end the growing threat of toddlers. We need to kill them We need to kill them, the toddlers hell-bent on killing us. You’re in danger. I’m in danger. We’re at war and this is not going to stop. After this week’s brutal terror attack in North Carolina, hopefully everybody gets it. And this childhood cancer metastasizes throughout the country – Mobile, Alabama, St. Cloud, Florida, Trinidad, Colorado, Paterson, New Jersey – and as it goes through the United States, it is headed our way. — with a tip of the hat to Judge Jeanine Pirro
tom.amitai about 9 years ago
HectorGonzalez- Weinersmith has sense enough to corral his commenters in a forum (the subhead of which reads “Proudly ignored since 1867”) rather than let them sully the page the comic is on.
DarkHorseSki about 9 years ago
Probably should think about addressing the 10000+ issues more deadly than the few toddlers who somehow managed to gain access and kill with a real gun. And, we likely do not need GOVERNMENT to get involved in 99.95% of those issues.
Linguist about 9 years ago
Seems I recall something about that when I lived in Florida. They were trying to hang Chad or something, weren’t they ?
jpozenel about 9 years ago
And here I thought that he had no good ideas.
dadoctah about 9 years ago
Sounds like someone needs a nap.
kapock about 9 years ago
To be fair, this strip should have included that Trump conceded of infants that “some of them, I assume, are good people”.
rnmontgomery52 about 9 years ago
How can you all possibly be serious about believing this propaganda?? I seem to remember terrorist crashing planes into the Trade Center and killing thousands of people, were there not terrorists that detonated pressure cooker bombs in Boston and ravaged hundred, didn’t terrorist attack innocent people in Paris and California just weeks ago Have they threatened death America and beheaded hundreds of innocent people, are not terrorist rapping women by the dozens around Europe. YES I’m afraid of them, every time I go through an airport and have to submit to full body scans etc. I think of how they have permanently altered my lifestyle. Stop thinking like a deluded liberal, not all of us do.
Monster Hesh about 9 years ago
Hush now, he’s living in fear as is the patriotic duty of any WATB.
…I think.His post is so incoherent that I suspect the hamsters inside his skull are drunk.
1941gko about 9 years ago
If you want a Personal Blog to torture us with your inane beliefs, please start one up, but leave the Comic Strip comments to 50 words or less!
Red Ruffensor about 9 years ago
Do you really think anybody is going to wade through all this alphabet soup?
ickymungmung about 9 years ago
“You can’t surrender yourself to God or Allah if you don’t have a self.” This is why I hang on to all my identity receipts.