Girl: What's it called when you memorize something out of repetition and not much else? Frazz: Rote. Girl: Rote. Thanks. Rote Rote Rote Rote Rote Rote I'm still going to forget it again. Frazz: Of course. Mnemonics or context would be cheating.
Squizzums about 9 years ago
Sometimes Frazz is just a bit too arch.
Island Boy about 9 years ago
She should have rote it down.
Schrodinger's Dog about 9 years ago
I tried using Mnemonics, but couldn’t remember how to spell it correctly.
IQTech61 about 9 years ago
I wrote and wrote and wrote and wroteUntil I knew the information by rote.
Al Nala about 9 years ago
He works in a school. School’s for teaching. Frazz: He knows many strange things, for he walks by night.
Ryan Plut about 9 years ago
Whatever totes yer goat…
John W Kennedy Premium Member about 9 years ago
It’s not certain what “rote” is from, but it’s probably from Latin “rota”, which means, among other things, “round” as in “Row, row, row your boat,” because, in a round, you hear the same bit of music over and over and over again.
GoodGollieMizMollie about 9 years ago
You NEED rote for things like multiplication tables. It frees your mind for thought. And Frazz / Jef is not arch. He’s just unusually smart and the intellect simply shines right through. Don’t criticize; learn to appreciate genius.
leemartinlee about 9 years ago
Hey, anybody know a mnemonic device that starts with “mn”? Help me out here. 12 months ago
And learned a knew one I didn’t new before.