Ballard Street by Jerry Van Amerongen for January 25, 2016

  1. Ytinav
    jreckard  about 9 years ago

    gofer gopher has been banned.gocomics: 1. doesnā€™t notify the bannee of their decision and 2. doesnā€™t prevent him from commenting but removes his posts as soon as he enters them.It was apparently not for any naughty words or personal attacks. He suspects that it was his, um, satire of certain commenters who post bunches of comments or pics in a row.

    Hereā€™s to gofer. His wit will be missed.

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  2. Don martin 1
    Farside99  about 9 years ago

    So sad that some cities keep people from sharing in a mini-library. Take a book, leave a book. Maybe all the books should be Fahrenheit 451.

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  3. Airhornmissc
    Liverlips McCracken Premium Member about 9 years ago

    Those are some weighty tomes indeed.

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  4. Sunshine   copy
    SusanSunshine Premium Member about 9 years ago

    I think the owner of that little lending library was given to reading books of a heavy natureā€¦Perhaps some light literature would have taken away from the sheer gravity of the collection, and allowed that poor thin post to retain its equilibrium.

    Next time, some poetry, perhaps? Some fairy tales, some classic humorā€¦. maybe even a romance or two, the kind with happy endings, not weighed down by gloom or despair.

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  5. Sunshine   copy
    SusanSunshine Premium Member about 9 years ago

    Sighā€¦. I was trying to stay out of this, as I have friends on both ā€œsides,ā€ where there shouldnā€™t be sides at allā€¦.weā€™re all friends and comics lovers.

    OK, I miss Gopher tooā€¦. I miss his jokes and his banter with me on some strips.

    Jreckard, my friend, as wellā€¦. you just said it.Gopher says it was NOT for personal attacksā€¦. but ā€œsuspects that it was his, um, satire of certain commenters who post bunches of comments or pics in a row.ā€

    I know gopher is a good guy and probably didnā€™t think this wayā€¦ but to GoComics, satirising certain commenters is a personal attack!

    Lately Iā€™ve seen an explosion of complaints, about other posts that donā€™t meet that posterā€™s personal criteria for appropriatenessā€¦.not because theyā€™re vulgar, or threateningā€¦but because he or she just doesnā€™t care to see them.

    Then it starts.. one person urging others to flag another for posting such content, or, on the other side, for speaking against it, or against those who posted it.

    PLEASE, everybodyā€¦try to understand:This isnā€™t MY site, it isnā€™t YOUR siteā€¦..Itā€™s UCLICKā€™s site, and we use it under their terms, and their idea of appropriate content.

    And I, too, have been frustrated with the way banning is handled. But whatever Iā€™d like to see, I know that to stay here, I have to post within the bounds of what GoComics allows.

    Maybe you ā€œlikeā€ this person or thatā€¦you like to see pictures or you donā€™tā€¦. read recipes, hear personal stories, ask about the weather.Maybe you think every comment should relate to the strip.

    I have opinions of my own in some of these casesā€¦but Iā€™d rather be friends with my adopted GoComics family than worry about whether they all follow MY rules.Cos hereā€™s the thing I know for sure:MY RULES DON"T MATTER.Nowhere in the terms of service under which we have permission to use this site does it say what you MAY post, or that it MUST pertain to the comics strip at the topā€¦. or that it must obey YOUR rules.

    They DO define INappropriate contentā€¦ which includes harassment.

    And Iā€™ve seen posts from mods, urging people to STOP flagging people willy-nilly.

    Iā€™ve also seen a mod warn someone about arguing.If you want to write to GoComics to tell them what YOU think should be allowed on the comicsā€¦ thatā€™s your call.But complaining about, or to, other commentersā€¦. poking, ā€œsatirisingā€, and making rules for them to followā€¦. flagging people for posting things the terms of service allow, but YOU donā€™tā€¦. all of that, like it or not, and whether I happen to agree with it or not, is NOT helpful and can even get you banned.

    BTWā€¦. they donā€™t remove your comments immediately when you are bannedā€¦.itā€™s very sneaky.They make all your comments and your personal profile invisible to everybody but youā€¦. so you remain able to see every comment you make, but no one else can see anything youā€™ve EVER saidā€¦. and you may not realise it for a while.And if youā€™re reinstated, it all becomes visible again.I knew someone who made some ā€¦umā€¦. not-family-friendly remarks when he figured out he was invisibleā€¦it was NOT a good idea.

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  6. Sunshine   copy
    SusanSunshine Premium Member about 9 years ago

    Oh, hi Gaijinrabbitā€¦. good to see youā€¦.When I click on my own avatar, Iā€™m taken to my own profile pageā€¦.. as I would be to anyone elseā€™s.

    But on my own page, underneath the larger version of my avatar, thereā€™s a link to ā€œedit profileā€ ā€¦..I would guess thatā€™s what youā€™ve been trying, so I donā€™t quite know what you see when you open itā€¦

    Cos on mine, there are two fields, for the first and the last nameā€¦.it LOOKS like theyā€™re for your mailing name and address, but theyā€™re actually for your user name, and mine are readily edited. Not quite sure where your experience differs.

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  7. 00712 whiteheron
    whiteheron  about 9 years ago

    @gopher :No telling what you did. I suspect that it may be when you go to the dreaded ā€œeditorialā€ cartoons. Come back soon.

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  8. Step 1
    mr_sherman Premium Member about 9 years ago

    ā€œSatire offends mostly those with the narrowest minds.ā€My quote, but Iā€™m sure somebody else has said something similar in a more elegant way.As far as the cartoon goes, education does require a firm foundation.

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  9. Pirate63
    Linguist  about 9 years ago

    I rescinded a previous comment and will simply say I wholeheartedly concur with Susan Sunshine, who as usual, is most astute. I posted my feeling about this on Andy Capp because that strip, particularly, attracts an inordinate amount of trolls and whiners.

    Blessedly, Ballard Street , with itā€™s slightly deranged and often unhinged residents,( moi included ), has been pretty free from the constricts, and censorship applied in other places.

    I would like to think that this is because of the wit and inventiveness of the contributors to the comment section here. I pray that it continues, although age, attrition, and the GoComics Overlords have taken their toll.

    P.S. Let me know if you read this, just so I know I havenā€™t been secretly banned.

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  10. Pirate63
    Linguist  about 9 years ago

    Regarding that catastrophe above ā€“ it gives new meaning to a library book drop box !

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  11. Avatar
    Bargrove  about 9 years ago

    Do you suppose the books in the cartoon were ā€œdumpedā€ because they offended someone? How very appropriate for this very day.

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  12. Catsanddogsportrait
    DennisinSeattle  about 9 years ago

    The little library was installed by the same guy who built Chetā€™s porch.

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  13. 16873788307 800b4ae7a8 b
    Last Rose Of Summer Premium Member about 9 years ago

    I too enjoyed Gofer Gopher, I like satire, I think he was funny, and on point most of the time,Having said that, Iā€™m one of :those" people who post multiple pics (of cats) on TC. Thatā€™s what we do over there. And Iā€™ve been guilty of posting a couple of pics in a row here as well.Which brings me to my point. Some sites donā€™t mind you doing that, even encourage it. Some want you to stick to pithy comments about the dayā€™s comic.

    Trouble seems to happen when posters donā€™t follow whatā€™s the norm for that particular site.Weā€™ve had people complain on TC and here about multiple postings and on TC about sharing personal stories and in each instance they were new and didnā€™t know what was the ā€œfeelā€ of that site.Perhaps that is what happened to Gofer Gopher. He wasnā€™t aware of the sites unofficial ā€œrulesā€ and instead of gently chiding him and ā€˜splaininā€™ they flagged him instead, The cowards way out in my estimation.

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  14. Bite me
    annette143NotMe  about 9 years ago

    I agree with Dogsniff. i.m.o. this is true and Not Fair.ā€œthey donā€™t remove your comments immediately when you are bannedā€¦.itā€™s very sneaky.They make all your comments and your personal profile invisible to everybody but youā€¦. so you remain able to see every comment you make, but no one else can see anything youā€™ve EVER saidā€¦. and you may not realise it for a while.ā€makes u think you are being ignored. ā€œoverlordsā€ yep.I agree with most of these posts. Mostly I dislike the rude comments. so unnecessary. when they are not removed even after reporting them, why is that? some form of favoritism? I no longer spend time here as I did because of the immoderate moderators. By staying I am complicit in the continuation of the unfair practices.

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  15. Me on trikke 2007    05
    pam Miner  about 9 years ago

    When you are banned, you get totally vanished? Even things they posted like, years ago?

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  16. Unnamed
    gypsyblue  about 9 years ago

    Iā€™ve known folks banned for life for things they were accused of but really hadnā€™t done. Hang in there gopher.

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  17. Catsanddogsportrait
    DennisinSeattle  about 9 years ago

    Can anyone read this"? Have I been banned?

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  18. Sunshine   copy
    SusanSunshine Premium Member about 9 years ago

    One last tryā€¦Thank you, gaiijinrabbit, Linquist, Perkycat, mr_sherman, and anybody else who said anything nice, to me or even to each other, cos thatā€™s what weā€™re here forā€¦.I DONā€™T want to keep talking about thisā€¦ Ballard Street is for fun.But re-reading my post, and some others, I think I didnā€™t emphasise one thing enough.I wasnā€™t backing up GoComics or banning or any of thatā€¦ I was explaining a bit of how it worksā€¦. whether you or I like it or notā€¦ I was trying to point out that WEā€¦we commenters, we usersā€¦.WE CANā€™T make rules for other posters, and then alert GoComics or the mods to the fact that OUR rules are not being obeyed.They donā€™t care! So, sorry, Jreckardā€¦ but no, that was NOT what Iā€™m sayingā€¦.. GoComics doesnā€™t care whether we have a party, who we invite, whether we have one forum that prefers pictures and one that doesnā€™t.NO forum on this site is at your house or my house or any other commenterā€™s own property.GOCOMICS has NO RULE saying you canā€™t post pictures or recipes or talk about your daughterā€™s graduation or your new puppy on THEIR site.So, whoever you areā€¦. even if youā€™re one of my dearest friends, even if I know you wouldnā€™t hurt a fly, and ā€œeverybodyā€ loves youā€¦. If YOU think someone shouldnā€™t do one of those things, and you keep complaining about it, mocking it, and harassing those who do itā€¦.. and especially flagging itā€¦.not only the mods, but many other posters, as well, consider YOU the one making trouble.Flags are for alerting them to rule-breakingā€¦. but breaking GoComics rules, not yours!If you donā€™t like, say, recipes, so you flag recipes, and the mod comes and sees the recipesā€¦.what the heck do you think he can do?(Or substitute personal anecdotes, 14 pictures of someoneā€™s cat, a string of irrelevant linksā€¦.)Are you expecting a moderator to make up a rule on the spot and delete them? HE CANā€™T.itā€™s not in his job description.What he CAN do is notice that you keep flagging things that are NOT against the rulesā€¦and that there are three people cheering you on and three people asking you to stopā€¦.and he can warn you to quit stirring up trouble in the forumā€¦. and if you donā€™t, he can ban you.You could be the funniest person on GoComics, and satirise other people in a light-hearted wayā€¦.it doesnā€™t matterā€¦if you keep hassling people who are not breaking any rules that the mods have power to enforce, whatever their personal belief about the activity in question, YOU become, in their eyes, a trouble-maker.,Iā€™m sad when that happensā€¦I hate to see friends get bannedā€¦and I also hate to see them cause dissension, cos I know it might get them banned.

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  19. Sunshine   copy
    SusanSunshine Premium Member about 9 years ago

    Meanwhile, thatā€™s why I suggested that if thereā€™s something you want changed about whatā€™s allowedā€¦. write to CoComics, instead of hassling people.

    Otherwise, itā€™s like repeatedly calling the police to arrest someone who isnā€™t breaking any current law.

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  20. Unnamed
    gypsyblue  about 9 years ago

    So where is a copy of the gc rules? Is there anything in them about dealing with the bullies? Not trolls, bullies.

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  21. Img 2109
    Marathon Zack  about 9 years ago

    I donā€™t really know what the best way to do something like this would be, but personally it would be good if GoComics had some way of telling you when one of your comments got flagged. Not who flagged it, or course, but just tell you that it has been flagged. And Iā€™m sure a lot of people would just ignore it, but for people who want to be nice and considerate, being able to see, ā€œoh, when I post that, people donā€™t like it. Iā€™ll stop posting things like that.ā€ Now, I know that trolls wonā€™t pay any attention to it, but for people who just get carried away voicing their opinion or what-not, and arenā€™t trying to cause trouble, I feel like it could prevent the need to temporarily ban certain people. And perhaps it would only tell you that itā€™s been flagged if it gets flagged so many times, or you get so many flags in a certain period of time, I donā€™t have detailed proposal to submit to GoComics, but it seems like their have been multiple well-intentioned people who have been banned in the last few months, and perhaps something like this could have prevented said bannings. Just my two cents. P.S. It would be rather considerate of them if GoComics would tell you when youā€™ve been banned.

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  22. Img 0980
    Happy, happy, happy!!! Premium Member about 9 years ago

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