Cul de Sac by Richard Thompson for March 04, 2016

  1. B986e866 14d0 4607 bdb4 5d76d7b56ddb
    Templo S.U.D.  almost 9 years ago

    Through Alice’s POV in the second panel, what a big nose Marcus has.

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  2. Av22 claydoh 500
    droosan Premium Member almost 9 years ago

    eh; other kids did this to me all the time, way back when (I’ve worn glasses since I was 5). I never minded.

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  3. Airhornmissc
    Liverlips McCracken Premium Member almost 9 years ago

    Lighten up. Kids are just curious about what glasses do for/to someone else’s vision. Just as they’re curious about most things.

    I have worn glasses constantly since early elementary school – 2nd or 3rd grade – and regularly let other kids try mine on. I also swapped glasses with others. Ever since getting them, I have on occasion called other glasses wearers “four-eyes.” When I had braces I called other kids in braces “tinsel teeth” or “metal mouth.” You have to be able to laugh at yourself or you will be angry and miserable all the time.

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  4. Wink
    tom  almost 9 years ago

    My glasses made my son fall over :D

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  5. Monty avatar
    steverinoCT  almost 9 years ago

    Actually, Alice, glasses not required to see everyone (or at least a LOT of people) as a silly clown…

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  6. Monty avatar
    steverinoCT  almost 9 years ago

    There was a Dilbert comic where Dogbert had invented a stupidity detector (looked like a dowsing rod) with a simple interface: you just pointed it at people. “Then what does it do?” asks Dilbert. “Why would it need to do anything else?” was the reply.

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    water_moon  almost 9 years ago

    I’m sorry you were raised to think that curiosity was teasing rather than an opportunity to teach others greater compassion or connect with those more like you than you thought..I’ve had glasses since I was 6. When I was little I’d trade or loan out my glasses for a moment like liverlips. Now as an adult, I compare Rx with fellow wearers :P .I’m quite nearsighted and I prefer (then and now) to try to EXPLAIN to others that yes I really do need them to function because no I can’t tell who you are at 3 feet.

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    Elisabunny  almost 9 years ago

    Another long-time glasses wearer here. Letting other kids try on my glasses was not offensive; it was actually the most efficient way of getting the point across that yes, I had a serious problem with my eyes.

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  9. Little b
    Dani Rice  almost 9 years ago

    Well before I ever needed glasses, I tried on my mum’s. Whoosh! The Squire was in a wheelchair for several years as a pre-teen, and he used to swap with other kids to see which chair was the best for racing.

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    patlaborvi  almost 9 years ago

    People use to borrow my glasses all the time, but only once, they’d put them on and scream in pain because my prescription was so strong it actually hurt them to look through the lenses.

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  11. Large poor elbis
    Maizing  almost 9 years ago
    Liverlips McCracken GoComics PRO Member said, about 11 hours ago

    @furnibbler“Lighten up. Kids are just curious about what glasses do for/to someone else’s vision. Just as they’re curious about most things.”“I have worn glasses constantly since early elementary school – 2nd or 3rd grade – and regularly let other kids try mine on. I also swapped glasses with others. Ever since getting them, I have on occasion called other glasses wearers “four-eyes.” When I had braces I called other kids in braces “tinsel teeth” or “metal mouth.” You have to be able to laugh at yourself or you will be angry and miserable all the time.”Yes. I am another who has worn glasses since grade school. I also let others try my glasses on and borrowed other people’s glasses.I will add that if I was in a wheelchair, that I would be perfectly happy to allow people (especially children) to try that out as well. It helps make it seem more normal, like trying out another person’s hat.

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  12. Thinker
    Sisyphos  almost 9 years ago

    Alice is being a little too possessive of Marcus’s glasses. And why the need to see how Miss Bliss might look through the glasses?In other words, dial it down, Alice! Marcus is already being a big sport about not having the glasses that he needs to see properly!

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  13. Jump
    bigcatbusiness  almost 9 years ago

    Use a magnifying glass. They work almost the same. And what’s better, you don’t need to ask for somebody’s glasses.

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