Eek! by Scott Nickel for February 09, 2016

  1. Gyp  4
    bjy1293 Premium Member about 9 years ago

    Whoa! Can you imagine the drive over?

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  2. Deficon
    Coyoty Premium Member about 9 years ago

    In the gym locker rooms, these would be called air fresheners.

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  3. Cat 03
    stlmaddog5  about 9 years ago

    My male cat can leave a litter box smelling so bad it causes physical damage to the eyes of anyone crazy enough to get near it.

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  4. Missing large
    Old Man River  about 9 years ago

    You need a different litter product.

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  5. Thinker
    Sisyphos  about 9 years ago

    I say, Teach! You look a bit green in the face!Not up for the old Show and Smell?

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    gammaguy  about 9 years ago

    Skunks get a bad rep. Their scent is a weapon which takes time to recharge, so they’re quite careful not to release it unless you seriously frighten them (or crush on with your car)..I know, having been quite close to wild ones a number of times… with them aware of me. Even petted one once, and there was no scent to get on my fingers.

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