Broom Hilda by Russell Myers for February 26, 2016

  1. Grog poop
    GROG Premium Member almost 9 years ago

    You look up and down too?

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  2. Ralphziggy
    RalphZIggy  almost 9 years ago

    some people have fallen into manholes while walking and talking on their cell phone, so maybe not a bad idea to at least add “down” to list

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  3. Thinker
    Sisyphos  almost 9 years ago

    Double-safe with Gaylord by your side, Broomie. I guess the old buzzard is good for something besides sarcastic jibes after all….

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  4. Missing large 2
    Phatts  almost 9 years ago

    he was never hit by a car, safe, or submarine, but still got mugged by that crook who snuck up behind him.

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    gammaguy  almost 9 years ago

    I look all around at all times. Not just to avoid being hit, but to enjoy the wonderful variety that surrounds me.

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  6. Giphy downsized
    Angry Indeed Premium Member almost 9 years ago

    That’s true, Gaylord. Comic strip and cartoon characters are subject to much greater risks. Just take Wile E Coyote, for instance……

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