Raising Duncan by Chris Browne for May 14, 2019

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    contralto2b  almost 6 years ago

    the cat I got my husband, shortly after we got married, used to squeak. He named her Mousesqueak (Squeaky for short). :o) My daughter’s cat (almost 16 now), started squeaking when she got about 12, 13. We thought it so adorable that we started squeaking back at her. Now she mostly squeaks, but if we ignore her too long, she will go back to her normal meowing. Cats can learn to do a lot of stuff if they are paid attention to and the desired action is rewarded (either with treats or attention).

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    TerryBardy  almost 6 years ago

    Holy identity crisis, Brambley! Don’t feel too bad though, my miniature poodle though he was a cat! Meow! Lol!

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    gcarlson  almost 6 years ago

    My last year of undergrad my housemates and I found a kitten who was too young to meow, so he squeaked. My cat-hating girlfriend tried to give him an identity crisis – she’d tell him, “You’re not a cat – you’re a mouse!” Then she’d treat him like a dog.

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