Frazz by Jef Mallett for February 19, 2016
Mr. Spaetzle: Caulfield, you should be grateful Bryson Elementary has a phys. ed teacher. Caulfield: I am! I'm even grateful for Mrs. Olsen, but that doesn't stop me from whiting out parts of her lesson plan. Oops. Was that thought audible? Mr. Spaetzle: I'm grateful for Caulfield. I'm grateful for Caulfield. Frazz: I would think. You meet with him almost daily.
Squizzums almost 9 years ago
I believe I had that. Always being sent to O-Shag-Hennessy’s office.
sandpiper almost 9 years ago
Seems to me he is both praying for strength and expressing real gratitude at having a student who offers challenges that brighten his daily struggle against indifference. Certainly did for me.
jessegooddoggy almost 9 years ago
Good one!!
toahero almost 9 years ago
I bet Caufield actually improves the quality of lessons in Mrs. Olson’s room. He definitely increases the class exposure to the classics.
Al Nala almost 9 years ago
I wonder who, who wrote the Book of Love.
Fido (aka Felix Rex) almost 9 years ago
As Dr. Sam Beckett of Quantum Leap would say, “Oh Boy”
Thomas & Tifffany Connolly almost 9 years ago
It could have been worse.
hottoddylink almost 9 years ago
Love this strip, Caulfield reminds me of Calvin and Frazz reminds me of Hobbes, in body and mind. Great stuff.
IQTech61 almost 9 years ago
Caulfield has just wandered into blatant disrespect. I can understand if he thinks that the teacher cannot teach him but whiting out her lesson plans means he thinks she just cannot teach.
But then that is about par for the course when it comes to the attitude towards teachers in America and why many of us left the field we love. The lack of respect and low pay just made it to exhausting.
I have a lot of respect for the good ones who remained in spite of this.
childe_of_pan over 7 years ago
Zen buddhism would be thankful for the opportunity to practice your Zen. Sufis say that anyone who annoys you is a stick that god is poking you with to get your attention.