I think I just shplourked.
I was about to ask why there’s a ‘u’ in ‘Shplourk’, but then I remembered they’re European.
I thought Shplourks were the utensils you get at KFC.
Nobody has a problem with “Regular” being a quirky trait? Do all the other Shplourks (Shplourken?) have chronic bowel trouble?
August 09, 2014
Funny_Ha_Ha about 9 years ago
I think I just shplourked.
BiggerJ about 9 years ago
I was about to ask why there’s a ‘u’ in ‘Shplourk’, but then I remembered they’re European.
NeedaChuckle Premium Member about 9 years ago
I thought Shplourks were the utensils you get at KFC.
dadoctah about 9 years ago
Nobody has a problem with “Regular” being a quirky trait? Do all the other Shplourks (Shplourken?) have chronic bowel trouble?