Cleats by Bill Hinds for August 29, 2010

  1. G
    mrgromit  over 14 years ago

    That’d make her pretty much omnipotent, wouldn’t it, Mr. Hinds?

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    rmbdot  over 14 years ago

    Edith’s superpower revealed: Fourth-Wall Vision!

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    cdward  over 14 years ago

    And thus we have the perpetual 6th grader (or whatever grade they were in last year).

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    V H Premium Member over 14 years ago


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    fritzoid Premium Member over 14 years ago

    Not only do they enter the same grade, every year they’re the same age after their birthdays as they were before…

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    olmail  over 14 years ago

    cartoon metaphysics?

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    fritzoid Premium Member over 14 years ago

    Edith, like Kilgore Trout, is one of the few fictional characters smart enough to figure out that they’re fictional without being told.

    It’s never made explicit in the play, but I suspect that the same holds true for Hamlet.

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    yyyguy  over 14 years ago

    MrGromit Edith might be omniscient (all knowing), but i very much doubt she’d be omnipotent (all powerful) as i doubt anything or anyone is all powerful. to quote the philosopher Carlin’s paradox, “if God is all powerful, can he make a rock so big that he himself can’t move it?”

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    yyyguy  over 14 years ago

    by the way, Bill, i especially like the font used on the word “hindsight.” a very subtle pun, indeed! bravo.

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  10. Bill toonsmall
    Bill Hinds creator over 14 years ago


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  11. Arnoldstang
    rvonluchen  over 14 years ago

    The answer to Carlin’s paradox is: Yes God is that powerful!

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  12. Wordgirl
    madmarge  over 14 years ago

    But God doesn’t do stupid things.

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    markkahler52  almost 2 years ago

    Ah, Eternal Youth….

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