Over the Hedge by T Lewis and Michael Fry for March 09, 2016
hammy: I want a license to chill, too. rj: they just don't hand these honeys out to anybody, hammy..... rj: you've got to show a determination to keep your cool when all those around you are losing theirs. thunk!! rj: thaaat's it. steady....stuff like it happens aaaaall the time. verne: in this strip it does happen all the time!!
nosirrom almost 9 years ago
I always wondered what happened after the cow jumped over the moon.
juicebruce almost 9 years ago
Now if the cow would of fallen on RJ that would be funny :-)
Joken' almost 9 years ago
Where’s the beef?…………………………………On Verne
Longplay Premium Member almost 9 years ago
Actually it is Verne showing quite a bit of sangfroid here.
Ermine Notyours almost 9 years ago
Is that were Trump Steaks comes from?
danketaz Premium Member almost 9 years ago
Who’s been throwing the bull this time?