Daddy's Home by Tony Rubino and Gary Markstein for March 20, 2016

  1. B986e866 14d0 4607 bdb4 5d76d7b56ddb
    Templo S.U.D.  about 9 years ago

    Music listeners these days prefer iTunes and iPods.

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    Last Rose Of Summer Premium Member about 9 years ago

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    King_Shark  about 9 years ago

    Metal Church.

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    Robert Nowall Premium Member about 9 years ago

    Y’know, vinyl’s making a comeback—-at least somebody’s trying to shove it down our throats again.(Me? I warmed to CDs, and still buy them from time to time…but then iTunes came along and once I got my high speed line it was fun to fill the holes in my song collection…leastwise, the holes they could actually fill, ‘cause they don’t have everything…)

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  5. Grog poop
    GROG Premium Member about 9 years ago

    I don’t have just one favorite band, but the Beatles and Talking Heads don’t make the list. My short list goes like this:

    Creedence Clearwater RevivalThe Rolling StonesThe AnimalsFleetwood MacThe EaglesHeartSupertrampElectric Light OrchestraEric ClaptonBob Seger

    And there are many more on my list.

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    Plods with ...™  about 9 years ago

    Currently? Lindsey StirlingAll time? Pretty much Grog’s list.

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    Daniel Jacobson  about 9 years ago

    I am sure Daddy would be clueless about 78 and 45 rpm records, which, by the way, are also pre-vinyl.

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    Bob.  about 9 years ago

    A few vinyl 78s were issued.

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    KEA  about 9 years ago

    Wow…last LP i bought? well, now I’ll be spending the day trying to figure that out.on the other hand, first CD was Dire Straits-Brothers in Arms

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    ksu71  about 9 years ago

    Yes it is the first day of Spring and it’s snowing in NE Ohio.

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    Knightman Premium Member about 9 years ago

    Santana, Tower of Power, Eagles, etc. There are so many great bands out there to many to list.

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  12. King crimson   1969   in the court of the crimson king   front
    aerilim  about 9 years ago

    I will never understand kids today. As l was growing (born in 55), l learn to listen to my father music from the 1930 thru the 50’s. As l was growing l develop my own taste in music, but l still remember my father’s old music as l learn to appreciate it’s value. Today’s kids ( at least as portrayed in cartoons), will seem to even ignore who the old masters were, (like Mozart and Beethoven). Pity the fools like Mr. T used to say….

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  13. Simply4
    MissScarlet Premium Member about 9 years ago

    Just saw Springsteen. Gotta have The E Street Band on my list.

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    neverenoughgold  about 9 years ago


    “Favorite band?”


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    neverenoughgold  about 9 years ago

    Vinyl or CD?

    At home, 12" vinyl… in the car, FM because no matter how hard I try, the 12" records won’t fit in the little slot…

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  16. 2006 afl collingwood
    nosirrom  about 9 years ago

    @Tony“Favorite band?”.ELP RIP Keith

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  17. I am the captain
    Steven Wright  about 9 years ago

    QOTD #1: Like a lot of you folks I have a great appreciation for good music no matter the era or genre it comes from. My favorite band varies depending on the mood I am in (which is why I like Pandora so much). However I remember the first band that I would go out and hunt down the whole collection of was The Kinks.

    QOTD #2: Depends, when I am listening to anything from the ’50’s to the ’30’s then I prefer the pops and crackles of vinyl. It must be because of the way I listened to them growing up but that just sounds more authentic to me.

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  18. Grog poop
    GROG Premium Member about 9 years ago

    I have a large collection of both. About half of them overlap.

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  19. Little b
    Dani Rice  about 9 years ago

    I realized I was a fossil the day I approached a booth at the State Fair, saying they were playing Golden Oldies. “Do you have anything by Glen Miller?”“Who’s he?”Jeesh! Even Bill Haley is old.

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  20. Butterfly
    QuietStorm27  about 9 years ago

    @Tony Define “band”, I used to like The Monkees mainly because of their silly tv show. Were the Jackson 5 considered a band?

    @JPuzzleWhiz Both. My uncle was a dj when I was younger so he had all the vinyl and he would let us listen as long as we promised to be verrrrrrrrrry careful. CD’s were much more convenient than cassette tapes, especially when you wanted to repeat a song that played!

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  21. Butterfly
    QuietStorm27  about 9 years ago

    @LastRose for some reason my reply button isn’t working. I can barely believe it’s spring. It’s only 31 degrees in my section of Ohio with a possible chance of snow flurries.

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    jbmlaw01  about 9 years ago

    Most of the best groups have/had a productive life of about six years; Beatles and Queen to cite the biggest sellers. A few with an unusual product – Chicago – or those that reinvent themselves – BeeGees – last longer.

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  23. Snoopy
    Pedmar Premium Member about 9 years ago

    I hated vinyl even when there was no alternative — scratchy, noisy, heavy, bulky, hard to clean, warped. If you want to relive the vinyl experience, put on a CD and listen to a bowl of Rice Krispies at the same time.

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  24. Triumph
    Daeder  about 9 years ago

    Those kids don’t understand him because he’s “Speaking in Tongues”.

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    lizmilner  about 9 years ago

    That’s really funny. That the first CD I bought!

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