Real Life Adventures by Gary Wise and Lance Aldrich for April 06, 2016
Woman: So when your kids talk back, what do you do? Woman 2: I do what my boss would do. I fire them, give them little boxes for things from their rooms, and escort them out to the porch. Woman: What then? Woman 2: After 15 minutes, I let them re apply for their previous positions.
Farside99 almost 9 years ago
Kind of tough love for a 3-year-old, but they catch on real quick.
pksampso almost 9 years ago
She apparently learned what she knows about parenting in B-School.
bikamper almost 9 years ago
zippykatz almost 9 years ago
“…at lesser pay!”
Jeff0811 almost 9 years ago
My kids pay me for the pleasure of living in my home. Of course they both have jobs, so they help out with the expenses.
neverenoughgold almost 9 years ago
Pretty much what Robert Townsend suggested in his book Up The Organization…