The Argyle Sweater by Scott Hilburn for April 09, 2016
April 08, 2016
April 10, 2016
Finishing school for uncool cucumbers
Cool cucumber: Can anyone tell me what Dale's doing wrong?
Left student: Still wearing a pocket protector.
Right student: He's showing his buck teeth.
He’s buttoned his shirt all the way up and he needs to be wearing sun glasses. Also, he should ditch the collared shirt, wear a regular T-shirt, and have a pack of Marlboro’s rolled up inside the sleeve.
I thought only potatoes were jacketed. But hey, thats just an English thing for Guy Fawkes’ Night Celebrations along with Hard Treacle and parkin( a molasses version of brownies)
Farside99 almost 9 years ago
He’s missing an earpiece on his uncool glasses, too. The tape probably fell off.
Egrayjames almost 9 years ago
He’s buttoned his shirt all the way up and he needs to be wearing sun glasses. Also, he should ditch the collared shirt, wear a regular T-shirt, and have a pack of Marlboro’s rolled up inside the sleeve.
boff0 almost 9 years ago
Dale better watch himself, or he willhave a sour ending!!!
JaneCl almost 9 years ago
His shirt pocket is on the wrong side.
J Short almost 9 years ago
Dale didn’t relish the idea of standing in front of the class.
zeexenon almost 9 years ago
I always wanted to be cool as a Elvis.
P51Strega almost 9 years ago
Gad-zukes! He’s not a cucumber at all. No wonder he’s not cool.
Zen-of-Zinfandel almost 9 years ago
He’s way too green with envy.
cheap_day_return almost 9 years ago
Arlo Guthrie doesn’t want him.
RoboZsaZsa almost 9 years ago
His shirt pocket is on the right side. It should be on the left side.
codedaddy almost 9 years ago
Even the instructor is uncool, wearing shades indoors.
handimike almost 9 years ago
I thought only potatoes were jacketed. But hey, thats just an English thing for Guy Fawkes’ Night Celebrations along with Hard Treacle and parkin( a molasses version of brownies)