Horace gets steamed, whenever you ask him about it. He’ll tell you that it’s pot-thetic. His food experiences trust issues, since it gets burned, every time. He usually just ends up poaching a plate at someone else’s house.
Never put a smoke alarm in your kitchen.In Horace’s case – don’t put it anywhere in his house. Or his neighbor’s.Put it in Melody’s home – that way, she’s got a fair warning when Horace is about to invite her over for a home-made dinner!
Kristiaan almost 9 years ago
So, more like a scam.
JayBluE almost 9 years ago
Horace gets steamed, whenever you ask him about it. He’ll tell you that it’s pot-thetic. His food experiences trust issues, since it gets burned, every time. He usually just ends up poaching a plate at someone else’s house.
Tigressy almost 9 years ago
Never put a smoke alarm in your kitchen.In Horace’s case – don’t put it anywhere in his house. Or his neighbor’s.Put it in Melody’s home – that way, she’s got a fair warning when Horace is about to invite her over for a home-made dinner!
J Short almost 9 years ago
Like Francis Bacon, but burned.
Cerabooge almost 9 years ago
Could be worse. Much Much worse. Much, much worse.
Argy.Bargy2 almost 9 years ago
Argy.Bargy2 almost 9 years ago
Horace, there’s nothing modern about burned pots and pans! If you want your cooking to resemble art, trying watching ‘Chopped’ on the Food Network…
Stephen Gilberg almost 9 years ago
The lightning makes this strip.
Sherlock Watson almost 9 years ago
He forgot the Campbell’s soup cans.
InTraining Premium Member almost 9 years ago
Don’t ever let Horace in a Chemistry Lab… !
neverenoughgold almost 9 years ago
It appears the egg is cooking itself on the counter…
chris_weaver almost 9 years ago
The Jackson Pollock School of Cooking.