Every time you don’t see another one, it may be a sign that their already threatened population is further declining…I suggest keeping track (on an electronic device, of course)…… and then writing to your local paper (if such a thing still exists) or better yet, commenting on their website… (using your computer has the side benefit of feeding some starving botollo bugs.) Let people know exactly how many invisible blue bottolo bugs you have not seen lately…compared to how many you would normally not see at this time of year.
If enough people do this, I’m sure the results will be electrifying!
SusanSunshine Premium Member almost 9 years ago
Every time you don’t see another one, it may be a sign that their already threatened population is further declining…I suggest keeping track (on an electronic device, of course)…… and then writing to your local paper (if such a thing still exists) or better yet, commenting on their website… (using your computer has the side benefit of feeding some starving botollo bugs.) Let people know exactly how many invisible blue bottolo bugs you have not seen lately…compared to how many you would normally not see at this time of year.
If enough people do this, I’m sure the results will be electrifying!
SusanSunshine Premium Member almost 9 years ago
Chag Sameach, Apikoros!Not that I’m very observant…. Sigh….
But we can all observe that we can’t observe as many invisible bugs as before….will that not generate sufficient power for her cause?
Brian Fink almost 9 years ago
Chag Sameach to the both of you. Have a blessed Passover. Just starting Holy Week for myself. And may the Lord save the IBBBB, or is it kosher? :P
joegeethree almost 9 years ago
This has to be Agnes’s best school presentation ever!
J Short almost 9 years ago
I didn’t see one this morning.
gzitver almost 9 years ago
Were the IBBBBs the unreported 11th Plague?
Unlikely, I suppose, given the absence of life-sustaining electricity in ancient Egypt.
David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace almost 9 years ago
I thought y’all were talking Klingon.
SusanSunshine Premium Member almost 9 years ago
David… um… if someone posted… let’s say….“Christus resurrexit”… and someone else posted that he thought it was Klingon…
AtariDragon almost 9 years ago
This was perfect for “Erf Day”, by the way, “the recent, made-up holiday designed to make your parents feel guilty about their car.”
Brian Fink almost 9 years ago
Wish I had checked this a few days ago. Eastern Orthodox Easter is Sunday so “Vere resurrexit!”