Breaking Cat News by Georgia Dunn for April 23, 2016
Kit: Angora, please- Angora: Kit, no. We can't be together. My father would never approve. Kit: Snowball Taggert may be the richest cat in this town, but there's one thing his money can't buy.... Kit: My heart. Agnes: Oh, wow- Alice: Agnes! How did- Alice: Oh. Alice: Why- Baba Mouse: I set things right. Baba Mouse: They're not bad cats. And you're not bad mice. Just misguided.... Baba Mouse: Usually by Alice. Alice: Hrmph. Baba Mouse: I couldn't watch both sides hurting each other and making things worse anymore. Alice and Agnes: (Heart) Agnes: I think Alice just wanted to deliver big and give us all a good Christmas. Alice: No. Alice: Christmas doesn't mean much now that we have to scrap and scrape for ourselves. Who will give us Christmas if I don't steal it? Alice: Been a long time since the Christmas Spirit visited. Baba Mouse: Oh? Baba Mouse: And what did you do to invite it this year? Kidnap a nice little cat's best friend? Baba Mouse: Kick him in the face? Alice: Yeah, well, he.... Alice: I mean.....Huh. He probably meant to trap me, not Agnes. Alice: And Agnes was only there because of me.... Baba Mouse: You don't get that Christmas feeling from what you take. You don't even get it from what you GET. Baba Mouse: You get it from what you give. Alice: (SNIFF) Yeah, well....We don't really have much to give, Baba Mouse: Some of the best gifts are free and too big to fit in a box, Alice. Like forgiveness. Baba Mouse: And second chances. Buzzy Mouse: Is that a camera? Agnes: One more Christmas break in... But this time, we do it my way. Lupin: Wait, Puck- What was your 6th Christmas tip? Puck: "Forgive your enemies." I was going to give the vacuum cleaner a hug.... Puck: But now I have a better idea.
Last Rose Of Summer Premium Member almost 9 years ago
This is the best Christmas story ever!
jimmjonzz Premium Member almost 9 years ago
I keep wishing that these tales were formatted as children’s picture books. I’d love giving the various holiday volumes as Christmas presents, Halloween treats, and such. The stories also seem wonderfully camera-ready for animation, like a film directors story boards. It’s all there, camera angles, close-ups, voice-overs, dissolves. Books! TV! Someone in those industries should be taking note!
jimmjonzz Premium Member almost 9 years ago
And P.S., I’m getting warm fuzzies about what I think Alice will do with the little Christmas tree.
deadheadzan almost 9 years ago
Baba Mouse to the rescue! I love how we get a little sample of Our Nine Lives in addition to the richness of the rest of the panels. The BCN universe is expanding with all the different story lines that can be introduced. We are getting all this input on what makes Alice tick and Baba Mouse gently but firmly putting Alice straight. Thanks, Georgia for this great comic!
morningglory73 Premium Member almost 9 years ago
Those little mice in their striped shirts reminds me of the beagle brothers in old Disney comic books.
NaturLvr almost 9 years ago
Those are very, uh…well-fed looking mice!
T_Lexi almost 9 years ago
Elizabeth C Premium Member almost 9 years ago
I love, love, love this comic. Ms. Dunn — watch a real knitter for placement of needles, though. You have them upside down in the 4th frame. Thanks for this great cartoon!
scyphi26 almost 9 years ago
Even the vacuum cleaner deserves a hug.
Elisabunny almost 9 years ago
@liztom – she has them correct in a later panel, so I’m willing to let the fourth panel slide by. Maybe kitty got so wrapped up in the the story that her knitting is just sitting in her lap?
ez173 almost 9 years ago
Georgia’s first book is available on
noreenklose almost 9 years ago
Happy Caturday!
adoragem123 over 3 years ago
do you like the titanic?