Breaking Cat News by Georgia Dunn for April 16, 2016
Lupin: There's a little man trapped in the tv. Lupin: And only the People can save him! Elvis: Elvis here, live on the scene where one little man is stuck in the tv. Elvis: And the world in the tv is TERRIBLE. Puck: The People are able to transmit instructions and send supplies to the little man through this electronic transistor. Lupin: Give me you hand! I can pull you out! The People: Lupin! Get off the tv! Lupin: Just a little closer! I've almost got you! Man: I'll grab us some snacks. Can you take over? Woman: On it! Puck: Is there a button to send the little man a hug? Elvis: Update: The little man is hiding in a box. Elvis: We have so much in common. (FATALITY) Lupin: Puck, reports indicate this may be it for the little man in the- Man: Darn. Puck: WAIT! Woman: Don't worry- (NEW LIFE) Puck: Little tv man LIVES! The People: Lupin!
Steve Bartholomew almost 9 years ago
My cat Ana liked to try to catch the flying dragon in one of my videogames.
Last Rose Of Summer Premium Member almost 9 years ago
Our cat used to run around the back of the tv to see “the little man”.
fullmoondeb Premium Member almost 9 years ago
You don’t get to see a smiling Elvis very often!
rikkiTikki Premium Member almost 9 years ago
So much emotion-and cute pajamas!
lopaka almost 9 years ago
Whip cream in the coffee, or is it hot chocolate?
deadheadzan almost 9 years ago
Just when I think this strip can’t get any funnier, it does! Elvis’s look of horror and then joy is the best. And their pajamas and robes are so cute.
She Mc almost 9 years ago
Love the cats pajamas!!! I love everything about this!!!
ThelmaWickwere almost 9 years ago
Made me laugh out loud. Such a great strip. Always makes my day brighter. Thank you, Georgia, for sharing your world with us!
morningglory73 Premium Member almost 9 years ago
Love Puck’s look of absolute horror.
miscreant almost 9 years ago
I made the mistake of putting cat games on my tablet. Now any flat screen, any size must be for kitties right? Guests can’t understand why there is a cat on both shoulders helping check email on their phones or why the cats watch the TV for sudden movements.
elias almost 9 years ago
Now you have done it, I have to see if my original ATARI will work with the flat screen television I have.
mbourg63 Premium Member almost 9 years ago
Ours used to sweep his paw under the TV trying to catch the little missiles in Centipede on our Atari 5200. I date myself.
SallyLin almost 9 years ago
The kitties in their jammies are exploding with cute!!
Ricky Bennett almost 9 years ago
So cute! I love it!!!
zippykatz almost 9 years ago
Our cat chases the baseball players on the screen, stands on his hind legs and swats them, lol.
Banjo Gordy Premium Member almost 9 years ago
Having never played a video game on TV, it took awhile to understand why the cat’s were so concerned. However our cat is entranced with PBS nature series featuring animals & birds.
Kirk Barnes Premium Member almost 9 years ago
One of ours tries to catch the cars on the track in NASCAR Races.
Space_cat almost 9 years ago
Super Fidel Castro Brothers my favorite SNES game!
noreenklose almost 9 years ago
I once had a cat who would watch an entire professional tennis game. She thought they were playing with her.;-D
Ammi28 almost 9 years ago
love it :) there have been daily comics lately :)
boreas2 almost 9 years ago
our cat hears a cat in a videogame meowing and he does it too as loud as he can!
prairiedogdance Premium Member over 5 years ago
So much fun to see this old school BCN in a GC compilation of gaming themed strips in 2019. Right from the gate you knew BCN was going to be special.