Bloom County by Berkeley Breathed for April 23, 2020

  1. Rocky and bullwinkle
    The Moose Group  almost 5 years ago

    Originally published in 1984, this strip was responsible for the explosion of the Jell-O snorfling craze that swept through the 1980’s. At first it seemed as harmless as streaking in the 1970’s, yet it held a sinister secret. Many young men & women became highly addicted to Jell-O snorfling which led to the even more addictive Jell-O wrestling. Teens held parties filled with Jell-O. High schools eventually had to ban Jell-O from all campus functions. Soon a whole wing at Betty Ford was dedicated solely to the eradication of the addiction but to no avail. Finally, Nancy Reagan added Jell-O Snorfling to her “Just Say No” campaign and, as we all saw how effective that campaign was, soon the craze faded from the spotlight.

    Soon to be replaced by Jell-O Pudding Snorfling. But that’s another story

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  2. Missing large
    ejrayh  almost 5 years ago

    Actually, Jell-O Snorfling would be a lot more interesting to watch then some current Olympic sports like marathon anything. I am a bit curious when I read that axe and knife throwing had been invited to this (next?) Olympics as a “demonstration sport”. Could be interesting if heads of state are in the stands.

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  3. Rhadamanthus
    craigwestlake  almost 5 years ago

    At least it isn’t as indecent as turnip twaddling – imagine our youth being exposed to that…

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  4. Thinker
    Sisyphos  almost 5 years ago

    Harumph! Pissy amateurs! I only snorfle _black cherry vanilla ice cream by Breyers or above….

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