A lot of the NBC laugh tracks came from the tonight show audiences. Carson could work the crowd and then the producer sold it to other shows. It came out with one woman having a very distinctive high pitched laugh that at the time Carson noted “Are you ok back there?” but if you saw that show, as I had, you picked out her laugh in other shows.
As soon as I realize a TV show has a laugh track, I change the channel. I don’t need someone to tell me if something is funny or not. I barely tolerate audience applause when, because of COVID, there is no studio audience. But I understand.
Imagine about 4 years ago
If it isn’t funny, it isn’t funny. Even a laugh track cannot change that.
Sisyphos about 4 years ago
Ahh, young Michael Binkley. —What’s wrong with you, not even a laugh track can fix. You just ain’t funny, boy. You’re pathetic….
Plumbob Wilson about 4 years ago
Is he quoting Conrad, or is he quoting Coppola quoting Conrad?
Wizard of Ahz-no relation about 4 years ago
A lot of the NBC laugh tracks came from the tonight show audiences. Carson could work the crowd and then the producer sold it to other shows. It came out with one woman having a very distinctive high pitched laugh that at the time Carson noted “Are you ok back there?” but if you saw that show, as I had, you picked out her laugh in other shows.
Indianapolis Smith about 4 years ago
[cue laughter]
pauli2astrid about 4 years ago
I am ever so glad to see someone else horrified by laugh tracks!!!!
kauri44 about 4 years ago
I hope it’s one of the vintage ones that has a woman’s voice saying “Uh oh!” preceding a laugh…
Ka`ōnōhi`ula`okahōkūmiomio`ehiku Premium Member about 4 years ago
As soon as I realize a TV show has a laugh track, I change the channel. I don’t need someone to tell me if something is funny or not. I barely tolerate audience applause when, because of COVID, there is no studio audience. But I understand.