Dan Fogerburp!! LOL! LOL! Anyway this is the way I feel about 95% of the “celebrities” I read about nowadays, who the heck are they? Also, is it really breaking news that Ginny Fogerburp is having a baby as if no other woman on Earth ever had one!?!?
When this first came out I thought it had to be her butt. But unfortunately the ensuing years has taught me it is most likely the other side. Danny boy’s mouth gets to see some strange things, just saying.
Heck with all that. Yer in a romantical swamp all alone and that top is oh-so-open at the bottom and begging to be lifted up. Yer a snorffle away from paradise, Opus. Get ter it!
Imagine about 2 years ago
By today’s standards, all of this is barely even worth mentioning.
LeftCoastKen Premium Member about 2 years ago
One of my many favorites!
!!ǝlɐ⅁ Premium Member about 2 years ago
I’ll bet there are a lot of people out there with Opus tattoos. Okay, some people.
wi3leong Premium Member about 2 years ago
At least she isn’t a Steely Dan groupie (Reno 911)
Imagine about 2 years ago
Dan Fogelberg’s face. With or without the beard?
Chithing Premium Member about 2 years ago
Heck Opus, she might enjoy it if you try to lick it off (depending on “placement”, of course).
KenseidenXL about 2 years ago
“Who…is Dan Fogerburp?” Kids today have no idea, do they….
jrankin1959 about 2 years ago
That’s the other scandal. It usually is…
NeedaChuckle Premium Member about 2 years ago
Dan Fogerburp!! LOL! LOL! Anyway this is the way I feel about 95% of the “celebrities” I read about nowadays, who the heck are they? Also, is it really breaking news that Ginny Fogerburp is having a baby as if no other woman on Earth ever had one!?!?
Just-me about 2 years ago
Depending on the exact location, if Lola ever changes her mind and wants it removed, that could be quite uncomfortable.
Skeptical Meg about 2 years ago
Twin sons of different mothers.
Steve Dallas about 2 years ago
Why was the strip recolored to change her ethnicity?
MEPace about 2 years ago
I knew there was a reason she had to settle for Opus!
RadioDial Premium Member about 2 years ago
When this first came out I thought it had to be her butt. But unfortunately the ensuing years has taught me it is most likely the other side. Danny boy’s mouth gets to see some strange things, just saying.
ChessPirate about 2 years ago
When Fogerburp talks, it’s not a burp… Ѡ
johnec about 2 years ago
Heck with all that. Yer in a romantical swamp all alone and that top is oh-so-open at the bottom and begging to be lifted up. Yer a snorffle away from paradise, Opus. Get ter it!
Sisyphos about 2 years ago
Gotta appreciate Opus’s selective hearing: “Dan Fogelburp”! (It fits, ya know.)
As for Lola, her scandals in the retrospective light of the past 30+ years don’t seem all that bad anymore….
dtercho about 2 years ago
I’ve dated her.
eccolibri60 about 2 years ago
A tattoo of Dan Fogelberg in a scandalous location? If he doesn’t marry her, I will!