Bloom County by Berkeley Breathed for February 13, 2024

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    markkahler52  about 1 year ago

    Reagan was getting dementia, too!

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    Steverino Premium Member about 1 year ago

    I used to wear Reagan socks on my feet.

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    David in Webb Premium Member about 1 year ago

    I’ve voted for a lot of presidents with my first president I voted for being Nixon. THE best president was Reagan. A man of conviction who did what was right even if it went against something he used to be in charge of. For example, he was a union president in California. Yet when the Air Traffic Controllers went on strike he declared in unlawful and put them on notice to fire them if they didn’t go back to work by a certain time. Those who didn’t get back to work were fired. So, even though they were a union he did what was right.

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    Egrayjames  about 1 year ago

    I never got the feeling President Reagan was ’’slipping’’. Even during the Iran-Contra hearings when he was saying he didn’t recall. To this day, I think an argument could be made that he was just not going to tell the truth of what he knew. Be it as it may, I don’t think anyone ever thought that President Reagan was faltering …… and we sure can’t say that about Biden.How can the Democratic Party, with all good intentions, allow him to be on the ballot? Good democrats should be infuriated that they are on the verge of becoming the laughing stock of the world!

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    rhpii  about 1 year ago

    Reagan was the best President in my lifetime (Eisenhauer through Biden)

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    Pointspread  about 1 year ago

    “Yellowmouth” Reagan sold himself and this country. Got well paid for it too. His war on workers & the middle class was quite successful.

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    amaryllis2 Premium Member about 1 year ago

    Wasn’t that the little penguin that Oliphant hid in his editorial comics? Often in a corner at the bottom. Haven’t seen it/haven’t thought of it in years.

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