Doonesbury by Garry Trudeau for August 25, 2010

  1. Zappa sheik
    ksoskins  over 14 years ago

    Hey, Jeff, Carrot Top wants his black T-shirt and hair back!

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    Edcole1961  over 14 years ago

    Why would he want those back?

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    Troglodyte  over 14 years ago

    The only other “International Man of Mystery” who comes to mind is Austin Powers (the Mike Myers movies)… and Jeff is totally outclassed by him!

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    Potrzebie  over 14 years ago

    I bet he has a lifetime subscription to SOF mags and has probably placed ads in those too.

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  5. Andy
    Sandfan  over 14 years ago

    @Sheik - That is a truly disturbing picture. Looks like a red-headed Michael Jackson.

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  6. Jackcropped
    Nemesys  over 14 years ago

    @ palin drome, you said yesterday

    “That good and evil depend on each other is a paradox beyond the capacity of Fox News”

    I think exactly the opposite. Fox’s whole business plan is built on the conflict between “good and evil”, which is the exact same formula used on their main Fox TV shows. Conflict brings drama, drama brings viewers, viewers bring ratings, ratings bring sponsors, and sponsors bring revenue. Without the “evil” liberals to report on, Fox wouldn’t survive a month, and they know it. They threw one hell of a celebration party on the election of our current POTUS, and I’ll bet their stock rose 10% overnight.

    This is also the core of why conservative talk radio is flourishing in the Age of Obama while there’s nothing comparable on the opposite side, even during the Bush years. NF temperament Liberals (mostly) thrive on the consensus that all conservatives are evil and it’s all Bush’s fault, and there’s no debating allowed. Anyone who questions the message are labeled “stupid” . The resulting consensus is boring, and boring radio and TV fails to thrive.

    Besides, we’ve all seen the Star Trek “Enemy Within” episode… or should.

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  7. Tarot
    Nighthawks Premium Member over 14 years ago

    .damn, carrot top has gone a bit far in the iron pumping thing, hasn’t he? —- Like Joe Piscopo , a pumped up body is not a funny body

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  8. Mirrorcover
    dbhaley  over 14 years ago

    RE: Neolibs and Manichaeans

    Palindrome and Nemesys differ as to whether Fox News grasps the fact that “good and evil are interdependent,” as Palindrome puts it. Palindrome says s/he is a liberal, but to concede that “good and evil are [merely] relative” is a Neolib exaggeration that plays into the hands of anti-liberals like Fox.

    Fox doesn’t have to understand Manichaean dualism (which I admit gives liberals a tool to undermine moral and religious absolutism) in order to attack the view that good and evil are NOT ABSOLUTES. As Nemesys observes, Fox can whip up anxiety among its very un-Manichaean, absolutist audience just by pointing out that liberals appear morally at sea.

    Palindrome’s specious demonstration that liberals are Manichaean hides the fact that Manichaeanism envisions an endless struggle WITH NO VICTOR. How many liberals can s/he name who are willing to admit that Utopia is forever beyond our grasp? (Fox News, by contrast, seems to locate Utopia in America’s past.)

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  9. Darkside
    NashvilleMac  over 14 years ago

    Thanks a lot, @Sheik. After viewing that picture, you can just rock me to sleep tonight.

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  10. Lady dragoncat
    Dragoncat  over 14 years ago

    If he had attended MIT like Alex did, and learned about his mom’s role in the life of Lacey Davenport (the grandest ol’ dame in political history!), he would NOT have said that last line.

    I hope he does get the job. Then Mom and Dad can adjust their wills accordingly…

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    Plods with ...™  over 14 years ago

    so when’s Carrot Top going to rassle Vince?

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  12. Mugc
    Frankr  over 14 years ago

    Dragoncat: You’re right about Joannie. I doubt Jeff will ever measure up.

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  13. Bla   version 2
    FriscoLou  over 14 years ago

    It seems like the Red Rascal has been heavily influenced by Manichaean good/bad mythology.

    Joannie must feel like the “Mother of all Imbeciles”.

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  14. Deficon
    Coyoty Premium Member over 14 years ago

    And stebon reveals himself to be Tommy Flanagan. That explains all his oppositions to truth.

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  15. Flash
    pschearer Premium Member over 14 years ago

    I doubt little Jeffy will ever understand the heroic life struggle of Joannie Caucus.

    I’ll never forget the week-long zoom shot across Washington, D.C., to show us Joannie and Rick Redfern in bed for the first time.

    And while I have a general antipathy to ghost stories, I’d love to see Trudeau come up with another storyline with at least the memory of Lacey Davenport.

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    gastoned  over 14 years ago

    Ok..Sheik…DON”T EVER DO THAT AGAIN! I can’t say how things in that pic of Carrot Top is just WRONG. Gawd, I don’t think I’m gonna sleep now..ever.

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