Breaking Cat News by Georgia Dunn for May 27, 2016

  1. Unnamed
    smorbie the great and beautiful  over 8 years ago

    sighhhh, yes

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    wayne mills  over 8 years ago

    A house full of toys and mine only plays with none just ordered the new book

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    deadheadzan  over 8 years ago

    So true! They all love the one “unique” one!

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    bonita.eley  over 8 years ago

    So very very cat! I wonder if it come from instinct to all hunt the same beast to maximize the chances of a kill?

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    SallyLin   over 8 years ago

    Wahaha! So true to life! (Hi, Bea!)

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    Clearstream  over 8 years ago

    Yay Bea!

    I love this one.

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  7. Taz by abovetheflames
    danketaz Premium Member over 8 years ago

    Must be the harmonic overtones to the jingle.

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  8. Angel cat
    noreenklose  over 8 years ago

    I have three cats. They are sisters (siblings—-same litter).This toy situation happens ALL the time. They play keep away. With hissing and growling, while I shout “Ladies!”Here, I thought they’d be loving, while in reality, they are natural born prize fighters. It seems keep away is their favorite game.

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    dogday Premium Member over 8 years ago

    Well I’m glad to see that Elvis is feeling better. A needy Elvis is a sad sight indeed! “Getting Into It” is an EXCELLENT game!

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    kattbailey  over 8 years ago

    If they were kids, and not toddlers, each playing with their own and not coming up with some game with everyone in it would be a red flag. I live with someone very allergic to cats, but when my dog was 6 mos old my aunt, and her dog, moved in for almost 2 years. He was a neighborhood foundling, and her pooches were quite elderly, so he didn’t play. Pat said he was “too dignified” time after time. He had his flat, soft toys he liked to carry, every now and then shake, and occasionally bury. Chloe had her balls and the toys we got when we found that, for the first time, we had a dog who instinctively liked “fetch.”

    Pupper did not cotton to the new big pack leaving- with the puppy gated into another room. As Chloe teased him he began to wrestle and to play chase, with or without the toy for keep-away. Always so gently…I like to think that her teasing him into activity is one reason that, 7 years later, we still have a Chow mix joining his Mama when we have family meals and lying where Dad can’t leave the room without going through him when his Mama travels.

    I can see him in a “Proud Assistance Dog Parent” shirt. No matter how much a toy squeaks, though, it isn’t as fun as when a human is throwing it or you’re keeping a human or another dog from having it. He can only play a few minutes every few days when visiting now. Sits next to the human who is throwing for Chloe and gets petted, and watches our lips move. Feels the vibrations as she runs. When she can tease him into play it usually is with a toy though. Just like the ones she kept dropping in front of him as he lay by the door, wondering why his Mama had driven for 3 days, his head on her lap, to be in this place with 3 humans and the energetic pup whose scent was all over the place…

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    jimmjonzz Premium Member over 8 years ago

    It’s like three Smeagols and only one ring.

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    Some guy who has nothing better to do with hislife  over 4 years ago


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    OTTER_THE_CAT(BIGNATEFAN)  almost 4 years ago

    My cats are always doing that with food. They are exactly the same but my one cat only wants the one my other cat is eating out of.

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