Doonesbury by Garry Trudeau for July 27, 2016

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    BE THIS GUY  over 8 years ago

    “I just have to get used to taking showers with my clothes on.”

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    cripplious  over 8 years ago

    Has he never heard of a microwave or toaster oven?

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    David Huie Green LikeNobody'sEverSeen  over 8 years ago


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    rlcooke  over 8 years ago

    You see the lengths we guys will go to in order to avoid a confrontation! Mike’s behaving in typical guy fashion. If he were a woman, he’d avoid the confrontation by sulking and insisting that nothing was wrong when his partner asked if something was wrong. How do we ever manage to reproduce ourselves? Or get a cup of coffee at Starbucks with our partners?

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    Flash Gordon  over 8 years ago

    MW ovens are less expensive now because they are made by slave labor in third world countries.

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  6. Gatti bellissimi sacro di birmania birmano leggenda
    montessoriteacher  over 8 years ago

    Microwaves are also just more common these days, not so brand new. Many of those manufacturing jobs have gone overseas and they aren’t coming back, regardless of what some politicians like trump say. Many jobs could be created to help fix our crumbling infrastructure and there are many technology jobs out there, as the world keeps changing. If trump/Putin have their way, the manufacturing jobs will still not find their way back to the United States. Amazing that Putin has already made his mark on politics in Europe and is now trying to do the same in the United States!

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  7. Mr haney
    NeedaChuckle Premium Member over 8 years ago

    We had a fire alarm go off and evacuated the building. When we got back in I saw some women laffing and asked why. It was one of their birthdays and the candles on a cake set off the alarm.

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    Not the Smartest Man On the Planet -- Maybe Close Premium Member over 8 years ago

    Did they have George Foreman grills back then?

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    NWdryad  over 8 years ago

    But not exactly an impressive environment for entertaining clients.

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    AnnDeeQ  over 8 years ago

    In 1986 we’d had a microwave oven for several years. We were poor, but it was worth it. We probably saved the cost in two years of being able to reheat left-overs.

    Anyway, in 1986, microwaves were common and fairly cheap (or we wouldn’t have had one).

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    SunflowerGirl100  over 8 years ago

    On microwave ovens. Didn’t this comic show Mike just walking out with a suitcase? He didn’t move out dividing up possessions. He simply left. And once out, the fact he’s camping out in the office to save rent says it all. He’s not about to run out and buy appliances.

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  12. Papa smurf walking smiling
    route66paul  over 8 years ago

    We bought our first MW in 76, my BIL had one in 73. Yes they were expensive, but by 81 or so, many of the younger middle class had one and they were in mini markets everywhere. By the end of the decade, they were everywhere, everyone knew what they were and the term “nuke it” was in the lexacon.

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