See how the drawer bottom curves and bulges at the bottom? I know from experience that in cheap drawers like that, the bottom will slip out of it’s groove long before it will break.
Actually I would hope his mother would be understanding. Yes, the drawer broke, but her little geologist has his mind all stuffed with knowledge—-ok rocks. Certainly Gil needs to be taught how to tell when boxes and such are reaching capacity.
josh_bisbee over 8 years ago
And it sounds like the Cool Rock collection is going to disappear. Along with his allowance.
snarkm over 8 years ago
See how the drawer bottom curves and bulges at the bottom? I know from experience that in cheap drawers like that, the bottom will slip out of it’s groove long before it will break.
Quabaculta over 8 years ago
Actually I would hope his mother would be understanding. Yes, the drawer broke, but her little geologist has his mind all stuffed with knowledge—-ok rocks. Certainly Gil needs to be taught how to tell when boxes and such are reaching capacity.