Zen Pencils by Gavin Aung Than for October 03, 2016

  1. Dra
    Fiammata  over 8 years ago

    I’m sorry, I know these are repeats, and this one has repeated a few times, but each time it sort of just makes me very sad… :(

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  2. 20230819 224835 blog mit cowboyhut
    StellaMaris  over 8 years ago

    It is not so much the brick wall that motivates the “heroes”, but the monster at the bottom …

    I wonder why this seems to be looked at as positive. This competition thing is getting insane. We are humans, not animals, or aren’t we?

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  3. Whitney chillin
    terra.cripe  over 8 years ago

    I know! If you don’t want something more than anyone else, that means you have to be eaten by a hypothetical monster? Not everyone in the world has an all-consuming, burning passion that they’re willing to die for…and that’s okay.

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  4. Gallacci cat for robin
    surfstuff55  over 8 years ago

    “Brick walls… they’re there to stop other people” pretty well sums up Donald Trump’s world view.

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  5. Anim chromosomes
    chromosome Premium Member over 8 years ago

    I agree with the above comments. They said it better than I could.

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  6. Tishdhuru portrait
    Strider Keninginne Premium Member over 8 years ago

    He’s only gotten past the monster in the pit. There are more dangers that await him inside, for the treasures that lie within a walled fortress have fierce guardians and cruel traps to deal with the unwary. In due time, when in the grip of a particularly ferocious guardian, this fellow will wonder if his partners’ sudden demises were more pleasant. If he survives and gets to the treasure room itself, after having endured all those ordeals along the way, he learns that the treasure is cursed. Does he risk bringing a curse upon himself in taking the treasure…or does he realize there comes a time when the price of winning is too high and forgoes taking so much as a piece of gold?

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    Lethea  over 8 years ago

    If they were on the bridge when it broke, shouldn’t they be climbing the side where the bridge is still attached? I mean, how did they get to opposite wall?

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    kattbailey  over 8 years ago

    ablism If you can’t overcome your challenges, it’s because you weren’t willing to put in the work, even if you have to work 3 times as hard to get out of your house, much less through the rest of the day

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