Phoebe and Her Unicorn by Dana Simpson for August 05, 2016
Phoebe: So...what's with the bathing suit? Ventura: Is it not fashionable? Phoebe: It looks great! It's just... Why do you need it? You're naked the rest of the time. Marigold: Slip-and-sliding is an occasion worthy of dressing up. Phoebe: Oh, so that also explains the tiara.
jodudeit over 8 years ago
Good thing Phoebe doesn’t try to emulate Marigold’s typical clothing standards. It would be Calvin in “Nude Descending a Staircase” all over again!
bigcatbusiness over 8 years ago
People dress their pets all the times. I don’t know why Phoebe finds a clothed animal (sorry about that Marigold), strange.
Templo S.U.D. over 8 years ago
rather than a quadruped bikini, Marigold’s outfit looks like she’s about to jog or do yoga
Enter.Name.Here over 8 years ago
Plus a bathing suit helps protect the “tender” parts…
Monster Hesh over 8 years ago
I forget whether it came from Mike, Joel, or one of the Bots, but from now on when Marigold’s not wearing something I’m going to call out, “Hey! There’s a naked lady and she’s nude! With no clothes on!!”
luducks over 8 years ago
It’s okay Phoebe, we’re /all/ naked under our clothes.
rpmurray over 8 years ago
That swimsuit makes Phoebe’s unicorn look fat.
BrianTurks10 over 8 years ago
Jodudeit, you are so right!I <3 Calvin and hobbes
Wichita1.0 over 8 years ago
I must have come from a poor family. I never got the tiara! Then again, I’m a guy…
DDrazen over 8 years ago
Over at the comic strip “Ben” this week’s story arc has their little grand-daughter upset because their golden retriever is running around “naked” without his collar.
Comic Minister Premium Member over 8 years ago
Of course.
luducks over 8 years ago
At least a wardrobe malfunction would be a lot less embarrassing for Marigold than it would be for Phoebe!
RalphZIggy over 8 years ago
now I want to see how Marigold slips and slides, wouldn’t that be hard for a goat-like creature?
Masterius over 8 years ago
I’m surprised Phoebe is surprised. Marigold’s worn swimsuits and bathing suits many a time before.
MY DOG IS MY CO PILOT over 8 years ago
It’s like when Donald Duck always wore a towel when getting out of the bath but never wore trousers the rest of the time.
Masterius over 8 years ago
Now that I think about it, it would have been more interesting to have seen Dakota go to Goblin Camp instead of Business Camp.
jerrica.benton333 7 months ago
how is that tiara staying on there?