I’ll say! The other day, a sparrow cut me off in mid sentence and I gave her the Broom-Hilda treatment! High voltage ZAP! Today, she’s some owl’s late afternoon snack! You’re right, Josh! It’s time to buzz-off, bird!
Bad pelican! They saved you from being eating by oil and
this the gratitude you gave to that family?! Well I say Bahookey! (that’s a decent word, mind you!) Take that bird back to the gulf and “sea” what happens to him! Hurrph!
Coyoty Premium Member over 14 years ago
So much for being her wing-man.
cdward over 14 years ago
Bad pelican! And I used to like you.
anorok2 over 14 years ago
The pelican being in the strip just does NOT MAKE SENSE!!!! Cone on,Tony and Gary ,..think of something else! PLEASE!
cstewart23 over 14 years ago
The thing is this would have made just as much sense and probably been funnier if it had been the husband or son.
Mythreesons over 14 years ago
If husband or son had said that, the artist would need another panel to show their heads rolling on the floor.
Lyons Group, Inc. over 14 years ago
@cdward: Okay, when he starts cutting people off in-mid sentence, it’s time to give this bird the pink slip!
Little Miss Tink over 14 years ago
I’ll say! The other day, a sparrow cut me off in mid sentence and I gave her the Broom-Hilda treatment! High voltage ZAP! Today, she’s some owl’s late afternoon snack! You’re right, Josh! It’s time to buzz-off, bird!
Cindy Knight over 14 years ago
Bad pelican! They saved you from being eating by oil and this the gratitude you gave to that family?! Well I say Bahookey! (that’s a decent word, mind you!) Take that bird back to the gulf and “sea” what happens to him! Hurrph!
kittysquared Premium Member over 14 years ago
Getting very close to my pelican limit. Abandon Strip!
PNmom06 over 14 years ago
I still hate the pelican.