Non Sequitur by Wiley Miller for September 21, 2010
Aid: People have stopped buying junk they don't need and started practicing the Golden Rule... this scourge of niceness is like a viral infection... Man: Hmm... yes... and how does one stop a virus from spreading? Aid: Um... with antibiotics? Man: Exactly!! So we need to find... the anti-Ekert! Bob: Whoa... did you feel that, Joe? Joe: Uh... feel what, Bob? Bob: Like... like a ripple in the force... Meanwhile, in the Megaconglomecorp war room... to be forcefully continued!
GROG Premium Member over 14 years ago
Feel the power of the Dark Side.
ImaginaryFriend over 14 years ago
if you can’t beat it, litigate it.
Sisyphos over 14 years ago
Gee, it looks to me as though the anti-ekert is a long-nosed Evil Genius, the Head of Mega-Conglomecorp!
sveninbasel over 14 years ago
Better try an anti-viral… Antibiotics don’t work against viruses! Take one dose of Danae, once a day should be sufficient!
kreole over 14 years ago
Is that Nixon at the Bar? I love it!
SuperGriz over 14 years ago
I googled the ekart and am now thoroughly confused.
Is there a quasi-ekart that spreads confusion by quantum entanglement?
harrietbe over 14 years ago
Definitely Nixon. Funny!
Coyoty Premium Member over 14 years ago
Christian.Mercat over 14 years ago
A lawyer feeling ripples in the force, hum, I was assuming all these fellows were already deep on the dark side…
As for antibiotics and viruses, that really gets on my nerves: we are misusing these weapons of the human kind, we are pouring antibiotics in our rivers and on our fields, by using them on perfectly fine cattle “just in case”, or using them for curing virus infections “just in case”. It’s like giving away our precious weapons, it’s like disclosing vital intelligence to the enemy. And bacteria ARE learning.
DolphinGirl78 over 14 years ago
May the schwartz be with you! :D
Allison Nunn Premium Member over 14 years ago
@Christian, Well stated. Too many people run for antibiotics when all they have is a bad cold. Anti virals work on viruses (which colds are caused by) but they don’t work all that well, are expensive and should be reserved for really bad viruses (like hanta virus, new strains of influenza etc.) It really irks me to see so many resistant bacteria developing because antibiotics are not only miss prescribed, but also too frequently people stop taking them once they start to feel better even though the bugs are just in lower numbers, not gone. Then they get a rebound illness that is worse and harder to treat. Bacteria are crafty little “bugs”; evolving rapidly. Darwinism at work.
Sky_Shachaq over 14 years ago
Bob does look like Nixon (I want to make that perfectly clear). Like Christian Mercat I too am troubled by the overuse of antibiotics. that overuse lessens their effectivness.
gjsjr41 over 14 years ago
Bob is Joe’s brother and a lawyer. (And a Nixon look alike.) LOL
lewisbower over 14 years ago
Hey, you don’t have Dick Nixon to kick around any more. Besides, he wasn’t that evil (exiting Vietnam, entering China). Now Danae,
LET’S RUMBLE!chaosed2 over 14 years ago
the anti-ekert shall be a diminishing crawling mouse filling people with bad attitude?
coot31 over 14 years ago
Are antibiotics effective against viruses?
jeremypstephens over 14 years ago
A virus is not affected by anti-biotics. At. All. Ever.
That’s why we can’t cure the common cold.
Please get it right for our sake.
Justice22 over 14 years ago
coot,, I understand some are. (According to a doc who gave me a very strong antibiotic for a viral infection. Two days had me feeling much better from what the emergency room Dr. had called in my family to my deathbed).
dfowensby over 14 years ago
nope nope nope. capn eddie to the rescue! he put the ekert in the shed to start with, didnt he?
alan.gurka over 14 years ago
I don’t know what they gave my dog when he came down with parvo, back when he was a pup, but he recovered and lived 16+ healthy and happy years.
Parvo is a terrible illness for a dog and can be prevented with a vaccine from the vet. It’s also a lot cheaper (for the owner) and less painful (for the pup) to get the shot than an emergency room and days on an IV.
david5992 over 14 years ago
Anti-biotics do not impact viruses directly. Viruses frequently make the victim vulnerable to opportunistic bacteria that cause infections. When anti-biotics are given, they combat the bacteria/infections, and give the body time to develop antibodies to combat the virus.
This is what occurred in both Justice22’s and mightaswellbe’s examples. In both cases, the anti-biotics dealt with the bacteria/infections and combined with other supportive care gave the victims bodies time to work on the virus.
Vaccines are what are used against viruses. Virtually all vaccines are developed from either dead viruses or severely weakened live viruses. They are introduced to the host and stimulate the development of antibodies.
Ernest Lemmingway over 14 years ago
Yeah, that does sound like what Jesus said.
ububobu over 14 years ago
A lot of talk about viruses etc. I read the following in a doctor’s office some time ago (paraphrased).
When we come down with a cold or other congestive virus our bodies elevate our temperature to kill them and generate histamines to flush them out. Viruses can “live” only in a narrow temperature range. So what do we do? Take temperature lowering drugs and antihistamines to stop the flow thus prolonging the infection.
Ain’t we smart?
prrdh over 14 years ago
Tanya said, about 7 hours ago
May the schwartz be with you! :D
The schwartz being the dark side of the force?
Actually, given what he’s drinking, might that be a force in the Ripple?
magnamax over 14 years ago
Do you want to know the Schwartz? Watch ‘Spaceballs.’ A vetry dumb but funny movie.
Cmlbx over 14 years ago
Ripple? Is there a Grateful Dead concert soon?
Dtroutma over 14 years ago
Maybe the morons ARE going to do the “right” thing, just like our “brilliant” society, give out “anti-ekert” anti-biotics, cut short the treatment time and make the Eckert MORE powerful, and overcome the forces of selfishness, error, cruelty, and stupidity!!
bigswan over 14 years ago
too bad Wiley does not know that antibiotics work only on bacteria while vaccines work on viruses….Science Rules
bmonk over 14 years ago
Another misuse of antibiotics is when the user starts feeling better and quits taking them halfway through the course. That means that some of the bacteria die, but others don’t get knocked out, but have a chance to multiply–and the overall resistance of the strain increases.
mlswartz_99 over 14 years ago
Uhhhhhmmm… you can’t kill a virus with antibiotics.
Yakety Sax over 14 years ago
cutiepie29 over 14 years ago
Huh, ironic. I just had to start a round of antibiotics today (stupid sinus infection that just won’t go away). Tried everything the doctor suggested, for a week, and it just keeps getting worse. It hit my bronchia and I lost my voice. So, bring on that mold-product (fortunately, I am able to take penicillin products.) Don’t worry, I ALWAYS complete my prescribed courses of medications. No supergerms get to incubate in me!
sabrash almost 7 years ago
This whole sequence reminds me of the Alec Guinness movie, The Man In The White Suit. In that movie, Alec Guiness invents a fabric that never wears out and never gets dirty, something that sounds entirely positive, but all of the entrenched interests turn out to be against it. The story of the Eckert has similar overtones.
sabrash almost 7 years ago
This whole sequence reminds me of the Alec Guinness movie, The Man In The White Suit. In that movie, Alec Guiness invents a fabric that never wears out and never gets dirty, something that sounds entirely positive, but all of the entrenched interests turn out to be against it. The story of the Eckert has similar overtones.