Frazz by Jef Mallett for September 11, 2016
BOB & TOM Festival of Flatulence Jokes Frazz: Nice souvenir t-shirt. Boy: Thank you. Frazz: Gotta believe there's only so many opportunities to wear it. Boy: Just once should accomplish its purpose. Frazz: What purpose is that? Boy: Essay avoidance, of course. Frazz: I honestly don't know what's so horrible about the "what I did this summer" assignment. Boy: I don't think it's the essay itself so much as the cliche.
Bilan over 8 years ago
On the other hand, everyone know what Frazz did.The same races he did the previous summer – and the summer before that …
Jest Phulin over 8 years ago
I’m pretty sure the convention was a gas, though.
Kind&Kinder over 8 years ago
Very puerile—but funny! Kids are clumsy, and I’ll bet he’s broken a lot of wind.
Brett Bydairk over 8 years ago
I want that shirt!
nanczarny over 8 years ago
Just fartin’ around…
bsqnbay over 8 years ago
I’m pretty sure all the jokes stunk.
Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo] over 8 years ago
When you live the cliche what can you do but make it memorable? I never had much to say just that I went to the library and read book or drew pictures at home.
feanorr over 8 years ago
Love your strip! I’m seeing it more and more in writing, and I was hoping not to see it in yours. “There’s…opportunities” is the same as “There is…opportunities.” Should be “There’re…opportunities.” I’m sure some people disagree, but it always sounds like “There IS plural” – just wrong to me (and others).
nosirrom over 8 years ago
He should write an essay on how he practiced his crepitation skills. Or better yet, demonstrate them.
Not the Smartest Man On the Planet -- Maybe Close Premium Member over 8 years ago
Sad to see this fine strip descend to flatulence jokes.
Nick Danger over 8 years ago
The strip takes place in an elementary school and kids love bathroom humor, so it’s perfectly reasonable that this kind of thing could happen. Even Caulfield, for all his genius, is still a kid, not William F. Buckley. Frazz did mess up on the particular contraction he used, but it’s a comic strip, not the McGuffey Reader (BTW, if you get a chance to ever read one of those, compare them with the reading books you had in an equivalent grade, and cry for the modern educational system).
ogsbury over 8 years ago
It’s also handy for getting a seat to himself on the school bus.
gammaguy over 8 years ago
Speaking of clichés, in none of the several schools I attended during my childhood did I even hear about — much less get assigned — writing about or otherwise reporting on “what I did during the summer”. Nor were there ever any “summer reading lists” or any other between-class-years (i.e., during summer vacation) assignments of any sort.