Hey Marty, this is High School Football. There are some teams with 190 lb tackles who have won State Championships.
I agree that you want a big powerful Offensive Line, but get real.
Look at most High School football teams if you have one or two Blue Chippers you have a good team if you fill in the other positions with competent Players, ie. can get in front of the others teams competent Players.
Perfect timing. Pedro the Poolboy has gone to the fields to bring in the Fall Harvest just as Gil arrives home for the 2nd shift. Does the Thorp’s terrier dog remember who Coach is? Come to think of it, the dog like the kids is missing.
Hey Marty, this is High School Football. There are some teams with 190 lb tackles who have won State Championships. I agree that you want a big powerful Offensive Line, but get real
Which is okay if they’re quick and have enough strength to delay DBs, OLBs, and DEs for a second or two on a pass rush. Gil has a 190-lb center. His only instructions must be:
1) Hike ball
2) Get flattened by defensive tackles
And I am being realistic. High school offensive linemen (in some regions) are bigger and stronger than in Gil’s day, and there are enough of them for most schools to field a line that doesn’t need to rely on extra blockers just to protect the QB from blitzes or create lanes for the backfield. Then again, the original creator did base Milford off of a school in Connecticut, and the Northeast doesn’t have much talent in that position.
kdizzle over 14 years ago
Now hold still and let me trim that unibrow with my razor sharp incisors.
razorback2824 over 14 years ago
A 190 lb. lineman? I’ve figured out Gil Thorp’s playbook:
Single Wing
Double Wing
Sutherland Single Wing
Notre Dame Box
T Formation and all of its permutations except for the Split T
When Milford gets some bigger, stronger linemen, maybe Gil can discover the I formation and get into the playoffs.
breadpudding over 14 years ago
Hey Marty, this is High School Football. There are some teams with 190 lb tackles who have won State Championships.
I agree that you want a big powerful Offensive Line, but get real.
Look at most High School football teams if you have one or two Blue Chippers you have a good team if you fill in the other positions with competent Players, ie. can get in front of the others teams competent Players.
You are going to win 80% of your games.
bearwku82 over 14 years ago
Perfect timing. Pedro the Poolboy has gone to the fields to bring in the Fall Harvest just as Gil arrives home for the 2nd shift. Does the Thorp’s terrier dog remember who Coach is? Come to think of it, the dog like the kids is missing.
Ravenswing over 14 years ago
ONLY 190 lbs.
What, is every HS full of obese ‘roid shooters now?
Plods with ...™ over 14 years ago
I played defensive end in HS @ 169 lbs. Course I was big for my age. We had leather helmets
dosborn56 over 14 years ago
All this football talk make Gil Horny!
bdiem over 14 years ago
What’s a circle saw?
grshprnh over 14 years ago
Today Gil is teaching teens that sex is a stress reducer. Mimi’s insatiable, yum yum.
razorback2824 over 14 years ago
breadpudding said, about 6 hours ago
Hey Marty, this is High School Football. There are some teams with 190 lb tackles who have won State Championships. I agree that you want a big powerful Offensive Line, but get real
Which is okay if they’re quick and have enough strength to delay DBs, OLBs, and DEs for a second or two on a pass rush. Gil has a 190-lb center. His only instructions must be:
1) Hike ball 2) Get flattened by defensive tackles
And I am being realistic. High school offensive linemen (in some regions) are bigger and stronger than in Gil’s day, and there are enough of them for most schools to field a line that doesn’t need to rely on extra blockers just to protect the QB from blitzes or create lanes for the backfield. Then again, the original creator did base Milford off of a school in Connecticut, and the Northeast doesn’t have much talent in that position.
jamesmcl0828 over 14 years ago
How does Marty Moon know tha the center weighs 190 lbs? Has Marty taken Jeff Karolis up to his crapshack for the Moon physical?
willofark over 14 years ago
bdiem, a circle saw:
bdiem over 14 years ago
Thanks willofark, I always called that a circular saw.