Monty by Jim Meddick for August 24, 2016
Hey Daniels! I see you punchin' Montahue's timecard! You could be fired for that Daniels! S...Sorry Sir. Montahue is runnin' late. Family emergency... I was helpin' im out... Montahue's got an emergency? Huh? Yes sir. Well it better be an important emergency! Oh it is! It is!
Enter.Name.Here over 8 years ago
Why punch his card when he can do it 30 seconds later?
Kroykali over 8 years ago
Last couple places I worked, you punch in on a computer. The old punch clocks with paper cards have gone the way of the rotary phones.
Claire Jordan over 8 years ago
This reminds me of an actual situation I used to be in when I worked as a secretary on a newspaper. Before coming into the office I used to go to a local shop to buy milk and cakes for our tea-break, my boss’s as well as mine, and then my boss would complain if I wasn’t in the office until ten past my starting time but I said “Hey, going to buy milk and cream cakes for your tea-break is work too, I’m on duty as soon as I start work-related shopping.”
Alphaomega over 8 years ago
3 coffees,and 4 boxes of doughnuts,WOW! These guys luv their carbs. Or is that all for Monty? He’ll be sleep walking 200 feet up when his shift begins.I guess that’s what the 3 coffees are for.
Mayor Snorkum over 8 years ago
All Monty has to do is give the foreman one of those Dunkin’ cartons and all will be forgiven.