Richard's Poor Almanac by Richard Thompson for June 13, 2019
Richard's Poor Almanac Tax Tips from the IRS by Richard Thompson Doodling in the margins of any Internal Revenue Service form is a misdemeanor. Possibly a felony. Hang on while we check. The point is don't, ok? Please conform to all workspace hygiene directives when preparing your return. These instruct all filers to wash their hands between each form, to abstain from all snacks containing peanuts, and to remove all dander producing pets from the workspace. Also do not cough into the envelope provided. Kaff You are strongly advised not to fill out any forms with your special happy pen. This falls under the laws prohibiting the filing of a frivolous return as it tracks from the solemn grandeur of the occasion. Finally do not refer to the IRS as It Really Socks or as the Income Removal Stooges, even in casual conversation. We will find out if you do. Who said that?
Kaputnik over 5 years ago
Years ago, when I was particularly annoyed with my taxes, I addressed the envelope to the “Internal Revenooers Service”, giving the correct address. I doubt if anybody there even noticed, or cared if they did.
Doodling in the margins seems like a good idea, and I wish I’d thought of it before they started having this online filing.
DCBakerEsq over 5 years ago
It is an honor and a privilege to pay my taxes in full. And, I certainly hope the IRS is reading this post.
ChessPirate over 5 years ago
I always address mine “Infernal Revenue Service”. Have for many years…
Sisyphos over 5 years ago
I have all the care in the world! It hasn’t saved me any money.