B.C. by Mastroianni and Hart for September 13, 2010

  1. Missing large
    landshark67  over 14 years ago

    I think that is a diagram of a virus.

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  2. Dscn0003 crop crop
    magnamax  over 14 years ago

    it’s a nuke, Fat Boy, I believe.

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  3. Warthog
    wndrwrthg  over 14 years ago

    There are new pictures released of the Lascaux cave paintings. What did they use for illumination that did not leave soot behind?

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    GreatEighthSin  over 14 years ago

    Landshark is right, it is a diagram of a virus.

    If only all that hadn’t been covered… Imagine where we’d be today.

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  5. Large celtic trinity knot kristen fox
    Dkram  over 14 years ago

    humm, After the buffalo is a unicorn, an atom, a man being taken into a space ship, DNA, and your guess is as good as mine.


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  6. Text if you d like to meet him
    Yukoneric  over 14 years ago


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  7. Dave
    davecancer  over 14 years ago

    The item is a computer chip that’s implanted under the skull so you can get advertising 24/7 -365 interrupted by a program

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  8. Sophia loren 15
    twj0729  over 14 years ago

    Can you imagine the look on the modern day archeologists face as they scrape away the plaster? Priceless!

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  9. But eo
    Rakkav  over 14 years ago

    The virus (left of the mass-energy equivalence) is a bacteriophage - its outline is so distinctive that it can’t be mistaken (if you know viruses). It reproduces by attacking bacteria. I got a book when I was ten years old or so with plenty of electron micrographs of those things “eating” E. coli bacteria.

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  10. But eo
    Rakkav  over 14 years ago

    I’ve been trying to reason backwards and figure out why Peter would want all his discoveries (I presume they are his) covered over. It doesn’t compute - Peter was never one to hide anything about his brilliance.

    Any ideas, folks, about his motivations?

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  11. Tsali manywounds
    Tsali-Queyi  over 14 years ago

    Just imagine what was lost when the Library of Alexandra was burned???? I’ve often wondered where we’d be with all that lost information.

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  12. Me
    chamin  over 14 years ago

    I think this act of destroying knowledge has something to do with the church :-p

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  13. 150606 petunias 003
    MontanaLady  over 14 years ago

    The last item is just a “weather balloon”…..LOL

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  14. The richard
    tamron  over 14 years ago

    Glad you put “christians” in quote, Clark. If they were truly following Christ, they wouldn’t have done those things.

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  15. Thatababy slug
    BananaSlug  over 14 years ago

    @Johanan: He’s not remodeling, presumably because he doesn’t think they look good. The irony is that they’re so nonchalant about it, and the illustrations are nothing to the cave men, whereas future society didn’t discover those things until later. Thanks probably in part to Peter covering them up.

    This is going in my Favorites.

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  16. Coffee turtle avatar
    coffeeturtle  over 14 years ago

    just when you thought you were the first…

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    oneliner  over 14 years ago

    how about the moon lander

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    horvath_paul  over 14 years ago

    Currently watching Ancient Aliens on the History Channel, I think Peter maybe onto more then we realise…..

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  19. Large canada 153127 640
    JP Steve Premium Member over 14 years ago


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  20. Senmurv
    mrsullenbeauty  over 14 years ago

    Thanks for the link, JP Steve. That is absolutely fascinating. It looks like an SF artist’s idea of an alien robot.

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    trekkermint  over 14 years ago

    no weirder than the renaissance paintings of ufos

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  22. Deficon
    Coyoty Premium Member over 14 years ago

    I wouldn’t be surprised if it IS an alien nanobot. Not all pre-human structures are necessarily natural. They’re just assumed so because non-human intelligence is not confirmed.

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  23. Wolf3
    COWBOY7  over 14 years ago

    I sure thought I left a message this morning. Wonder what happened.

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    tsandl  over 14 years ago

    It is highly unlikely there were ever millions of scrolls in the Library of Alexandria, Clark, and no one knows how many managed to survive Caesar’s conquest and Zenobia’s revolt. I’m not aware of any sources that refer to books or scrolls being burnt during the destruction of the Serapeum in 391. The accounts of that destruction vary along partisan lines: the Christians blamed the pagans; the pagans blamed the Christians. Also, I’m not sure which particular bit of fiction you pulled the part about Hypatia from, but she was murdered 24 years later. Once again, the accounts of precisely who was responsible for her death and the reasons for it differ.

    Please do check your sources before you start lamenting the destruction of knowledge.

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    Mihir Asher  over 14 years ago

    Nabuquduriuzhur: That is a diagram of a virus … it looks like a T4 Bacteriophage actually …

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    Shashank.Sherkar  over 14 years ago

    Hey, don’t plaster that. You are Steven Hawkins of B.C.

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