Breaking Cat News by Georgia Dunn for October 04, 2016
Lupin: There's an intruder on the couch! Elvis: Lupin, sources claim the intruder is a "guest." I'm not buying it. Puck: Puck here, where I'm live standing with a ll my weight in the middle of the intruder's back. someone is going through the intruder's bag. Lupin, I keep spinning but I never get comfortable. Elvis: Lupin, every time she moves her feet it's like a personal insult. Puck: Someone is slapping the intruder with their tail ever so gently. The Intruder: HEY! Elvis: It's after midnight, GOOD MORNING!
RH3 over 8 years ago
Intruders need to be kept in their place. Outside.
Clearstream over 8 years ago
I love Elvis’s last remark, because TBH, I actually do that too. Also, how do you get italic text? Does anyone know?
fuzzybritches over 8 years ago
Actually, what amazes me is that the boys were willing to be near The Intruder, even to bother her. Whenever I’m an intruder, the local cats usually avoid me, even though I’d love to have them sleeping on my feet.
ekw555 over 8 years ago
this must be before Lupin turned into a dashing lady’s man.
Denny Wheeler Premium Member over 8 years ago
Ah, yes—first appearance of The Intruder, whose real identity will be disclosed in time. She’s only the first of several two-legged new cast members—and of course, Tommy’s the first of many furry additions.
dogday Premium Member over 8 years ago
I love Elvis’ firm, “It’s after midnight. GOOD MORNING!”. And, um, isn’t the “someone” going through the visitor’s bag the same “someone” who threw up in everyone’s shoes when the “wrong” kibble came home?
roberta.forbes.pyle over 8 years ago
Long ago when my hubby was still my boyfriend and stayed in my parent’s guest room over the holidays, I was owned by a male tiger cat named Tigger. Tigger didn’t seem to care that much for Ron but when he found out what a great heat source he was on a cold winter’s night, he slept on the guest room bed every night Ron was there! Ron said it wasn’t too bad except when Tigger wrapped himself around The Visitor’s head….
Brein43 over 8 years ago
I love the one ear askew look for His Excellency.
deadheadzan over 8 years ago
Puck slapping the Intruder’s head ever so gently with his tail, cracks me up!
bonita.eley over 8 years ago
So cute!! One of my mum’s cats used to try to pee on guests if we didn’t catch him first!
kelseyjayne25 over 8 years ago
trying stuff…
kelseyjayne25 over 8 years ago
trying more stuff
kelseyjayne25 over 8 years ago
will this work?
kelseyjayne25 over 8 years ago
will this?
kelseyjayne25 over 8 years ago
hmm ok
Dewsolo over 8 years ago
The things you learn from Breaking Cat News !