Breaking Cat News by Georgia Dunn for December 02, 2016
Lupin: Studies have shown regular ankle reinforcement is crucial to People's confidence. Elvis: People read constant reassurance. Ankle rubs show People you care enough to make them smell like you. Don't mention it. Puck: Ankle rubbing provides People with gentle encouragement when they return home after a hard day. Lupin: The closer to uneven terrain, the greater the need for positive ankle reinforcement. "Good Floor, Better Stairs, Best cliff" Puck: Hello. You have value. You are appreciated. Elvis: If you end up beside the food bowl, so be it. Puck: Oh, my. What have we here?
RH3 about 8 years ago
Ankle rubs also transfer scent, so that other cats know whose slave you are.
And if do you end up next to the food bowl, that is just a coincidence. No mind control involved. None at all. No, sir. Not a bit….
gigagrouch about 8 years ago
It’s all about the food.
lopaka about 8 years ago
My three cats are not that clever. They just drag me to the food bowl.
ladykat Premium Member about 8 years ago
Ankle rubs – one step away from the frontal trip…
Kit Jeans about 8 years ago
RussHeim about 8 years ago
Jedi mind tricks have nothing on cat mind tricks. "This IS the food bowl you seek . . . "
poppet bear about 8 years ago
We used to have a little cat that if you ignored the ankle rub persuasion would then smack her food bowl across the tiled kitchen floor to get her point across. And boy could she curl that dish :-)
roberta.forbes.pyle about 8 years ago
Jingle Belle Katt tries to climb my leg when she wants FOOD.
............................cocoultergeistCCvCerus about 8 years ago
I’ll name my next kitty tactillo or tactilla,,,
bonita.eley about 8 years ago
I have to say, ankle rubs are a source of instant comforttt
Jazz Cat about 8 years ago
My cat Sheba must have received the memo because the other night, she dang near tripped me and I narrowly escaped being sprawled face first on the tile floor! >^OO^<
BlueIris Premium Member about 8 years ago
My cat does an ankle bump, not a rub, when he wants attention.
morgynnlefae over 7 years ago
My cat yowls at me when she wants attention