Breaking Cat News by Georgia Dunn for November 02, 2016
Lupin: The vacuum cleaner is back! ...And this time it's personal. Elvis: ALL THE FUR IS GONE! Lupin, hours of work have literally been erased! And only hours before company is set to arrive! Puck: I can only shed so much. Elvis: Good luck when company sees an unmarked couch and assumes it's theirs. Puck: How much fur do you think I have? Elvis: We can fix this.
psharon36 over 8 years ago
Lupin is the good boy today…..he didn’t help Puck and Elvis wreck the vacuumed couch!
Lady Bri over 8 years ago
I love how the Woman dresses for vacuuming—I like to wear a bandana around my hair when I clean the house too. :-)
TammyAudia Premium Member over 8 years ago
Hahahahahaha!!! This is so what my cats do!
greasy old tam over 8 years ago
That’s why I empty the vacuum directly into the (outdoor) trash can.
scaeva Premium Member over 8 years ago
We call one of our cats “The Shed-o-matic” and “Little Sir Shedalot.” He’s not really a cat, we think, just a cloud of fur held together by Vanderwall’s Forces.
Brein43 over 8 years ago
They were just thinking about The Woman. As Elvis said, an unmarked couch is in risk of being sat upon. Lupin has the most cutting look in the second panel.
Banjo Gordy Premium Member over 8 years ago
I wonder if Georgia wrote & illustrated this adventure from experience? Animation, expressions, & boys’ comments just delightful.
Denny Wheeler Premium Member over 8 years ago
They should have opened a window and let Tommy in—I bet he could shed enough to re-cover the couch.
OhioMike over 8 years ago
The woman is having a shriek? How refreshing, I thought she just smiled all the time…