Breaking Cat News by Georgia Dunn for September 27, 2016
Lupin: A June bug got into the house- GAH! Where'd it go? Where'd it go? Elvis: The June bug has been dive bombing us for 20 minutes, and seems-GET IT AWAY! Puck: A June bug is a Mediterranean date with a hard candy shell. Elvis: They're battery operated and remote controlled by Satan. Elvis: UGH IT FEELS GROSS! Puck: Nope That's enough! Path of least resistance. Lupin: 'til next we make battle, noble adversary... Puck: Guys it's...July!
awgiedawgie Premium Member over 8 years ago
Ah, yes… the July Bug! One of my favourite non-cat characters!
ctlum over 8 years ago
Sometimes I feel that cockroaches are remote controlled by Satan; they always aim right for my head!
hawgowar over 8 years ago
All sorts of bugs are doomed once they enter our home. Our cats are superb antiaircraft weapons and crawling bug destroyers. Flies, and especially moths and June bugs, don’t last very long. Neither do spiders unless they stay way up in the corners of the ceilings. The cats even catch the rare house centipede that wanders in. Ants are the only bug they leave alone.
RWill over 8 years ago
The only June Bugs I want to see is on Cartoon Network. In June. xD
momma-tink over 8 years ago
Lurking Elvis with his flattened ears is adorable. In our house, bugs stand no chance. Although I do get tired of cleaning up the mess Scooby makes creating his special chili cream sauce to go with the crickets he devours.
coffeeturtle over 8 years ago
Eat that June Bug!!!
karlene_fial over 8 years ago
Could that be the same “July” bug that helps in the more recent story line?
ladykat Premium Member over 8 years ago
Georgia, I just wanted to say that I, for one, will not be sad if these reruns continue for a while longer while you get yourself settled. I am thoroughly enjoying them.
Kit Jeans over 8 years ago
I am reminded of the cat photo with the caption: “You think of them as flies; I call them skyraisins.”
roberta.forbes.pyle over 8 years ago
I have been around people (mostly female) who duck, scream and wave their arms when buzzed by large beetles. We have a metallic green beetle in these parts that is active well into the fall. I assume the ladies are fearful that the bug will get tangled in their hair. Having short hair and realizing these bugs won’t bite I don’t make so much of a fuss. If the bug is heading right for my face I may swat it aside (then if I actually make contact and knock it to the ground where it lies there upside down and waving its legs frantically) I flip it over and let it crawl away to recover. I don’t stomp them—I don’t care for the crunchie sound they make!
fuzzybritches over 8 years ago
Love the “Ha Ha Ha” as the ace fighter pilot buzzes away . . .
SunflowerGirl100 over 8 years ago
I love his little goggles.
stampaniblock87 over 8 years ago
JUNEBUGZILLA!!! LOL!Love Elvis’ ears!
Maizing over 8 years ago
Breaking Cat News Update:The Toddler decided Elvis needs a Halloween Necklace.Puck has been helping to unpack and is exhasted.…and Lupin has turned invisible again.We now return you to the scheduled program.
bonita.eley over 8 years ago
Remote controlled by Satan ? LOL