Doonesbury by Garry Trudeau for September 30, 2016
Agent: I know he wasn't a suspect, sir. He just blurted the whole thing out! No, sir, I don't think I was badgering him. I was just asking routine questions. His confession just came out of the blue. The arrest? Well, he says he'd like to get it over with, tonight, if possible. What? ... Oh, I see. They'd prefer to arrest you in front of your friends and colleagues. Slackmeyer: Well, hell, why don't you just wait until the office party?
onespiceybbw about 8 years ago
he looks so miserable. heart attack next?
walterkocker* about 8 years ago
Yeah. The all important perp walk. The gold standard for incompetent prosecutors.
sueb1863 about 8 years ago
Didn’t he get let go early or something? I seem to recall that he didn’t spend a lot of time in prison and eventually got out.
gantech about 8 years ago
You know, I almost feel sorry for the old crook….
barister about 8 years ago
It’s off to the worst white collar crimes prison for you Mister. I’m talking broken equipment in the “state of the art” fitness room, a choice of only 6 types of Star Bucks, small swimming pool, caddyless golf courses, and no memory foam mattress. this is serious boy!!!
Honorable Mention In The Banjo Toss Premium Member about 8 years ago
And don’t even talk to me about the wine list.
ChessPirate about 8 years ago
And to think you’ll actually have to spend over a month in there! (Shudder)
Randall Uhrich about 8 years ago
Don’t worry. Almost no corporate crooks go to jail!
Malcolm Hall about 8 years ago
The office party? Not bad. But pulling you out of the building with your coat over your head is much more fun.
Malcolm Hall about 8 years ago
It may be time to recant that old confession. “I was just kidding.” And Boesky went to jail. And came back with wind in his sails.
Red Ruffensor about 8 years ago
At least there was no YouTube back then for this to go onto.
mourdac Premium Member about 8 years ago
Too bad Mark’s dad wasn’t a banker, he would have skated free and clear.
Dragoncat about 8 years ago
Congratulations to lavubua mcginty for winning the Dragoncat Award for Best LMAO!…And let’s not show him the dessert menu just yet…
Dragoncat about 8 years ago
After grabbing the phone, he yells, “Now you listen to me, you procrastinating S.O.B.s!! IT’S NOW OR NEVER!! I’ve still got my ticket for the Window Express, and I’m not afraid to use it!”
Linguist about 8 years ago
I wonder how certain bent conservatives …ah… Republicans of a conservative bent, are feeling about their favorite newspapers – such as the Arizona Republic and the New Hampshire Union Leader ( to name just a couple of many ) that are breaking with long standing tradition, and either supporting Hillary Clinton,or, like U.S. Today, editorially urging people to vote – for anybody BUT Trump !