Tank McNamara by Bill Hinds for September 14, 2016

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    fuzzbucket Premium Member over 8 years ago

    This school doesn’t allow freedom of expression? I thought all modern schools were run by liberals! They encourage it! (Of course, Cissy Lacks got fired.)

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    Polsixe  over 8 years ago

    Or Ballers?

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    sarah413 Premium Member over 8 years ago

    I can just hear Coach Lombardi "What the @&*%! is going on here!

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    Linguist  over 8 years ago

    Military Drill Sergeants and Sports Coaches unable to use expletives ? They’d be unable to continue doing their jobs, and die of apoplexy from all that bottled up rage !

    I did serve with a DI who made it a point never to use common “four-letter words”. He was the most creative cusser I ever knew ! His invective combined with his inventive vocabulary was amazing… but… he definitely got his point across to his men !

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    kodj kodjin  over 8 years ago

    Really creative cussing is a form of language arts. It is very rare. Most cussing you hear now is just repulsive profanity; which is boring! It’s too bad that Linguist didn’t record his DI. I would have liked to here it.

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    phoenixnyc  over 8 years ago

    Please. Half the foul language I know, I learned from my mother while she was driving.

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