Oh, this is Hubby and me! He turns the a/c to Polar and sleeps on top of the covers, while I wear my hooded winter robe and try to tie myself into a knot to keep warm.
In the car, I match interior to exterior temperature between 58 and 80. My wife sets it as low as possible when she’s in short sleeves, 80 when in a heavy ski jacket.
Dani Rice over 8 years ago
Oh, this is Hubby and me! He turns the a/c to Polar and sleeps on top of the covers, while I wear my hooded winter robe and try to tie myself into a knot to keep warm.
Jim Kerner over 8 years ago
I guess that Jamaal is in his “blue” period.
gcarlson over 8 years ago
In the car, I match interior to exterior temperature between 58 and 80. My wife sets it as low as possible when she’s in short sleeves, 80 when in a heavy ski jacket.