After I was married, my wife wouldn’t let the barber trim my eyebrows, she would sit on me and ‘pluck’ the long ones out with tweezers and the hairs in my ears. Believe or not, I miss that ! ! ! !
To explain: I have baby fine hair that is difficult to cut and look nice. My hubby won’t cut it. His is thick, with gorgeous waves, and is easy to style, and I went to some beauty school before I realized I hateed it…plus the chemical thing.
Lyons Group, Inc. over 8 years ago
Done Groucho Marx -style.
brain Les over 8 years ago
yeah, one time my wife told me to go to a barber shop. It had been such a long time since I been to one, I asked her what should I get there?
as they say, “hair today, gone tomorrow”.
Dani Rice over 8 years ago
I think Hubby is waiting for his eyebrows to grow out so he can comb them over his bald spot.
Plods with ...™ over 8 years ago
My Grandfather called a trim a haircut with a hole in it.
david_42 over 8 years ago
I have one hair in each eyebrow that just grows and grows.
IndyMan over 8 years ago
After I was married, my wife wouldn’t let the barber trim my eyebrows, she would sit on me and ‘pluck’ the long ones out with tweezers and the hairs in my ears. Believe or not, I miss that ! ! ! !
ladylagomorph76 over 8 years ago
To explain: I have baby fine hair that is difficult to cut and look nice. My hubby won’t cut it. His is thick, with gorgeous waves, and is easy to style, and I went to some beauty school before I realized I hateed it…plus the chemical thing.
choo choo willy over 8 years ago
They ought to charge us half price for half of the hair!
MichaelSFC90 over 8 years ago
I’m lucky. I can go another 15 years before I have to decide if it’s going to be worth the $11 every three months.