Adam@Home by Rob Harrell for October 03, 2016
Laura: You've been asked to join a lap-swimming gang? Adam: Yes. The "Third Lane Sharks" kind of run the place. I'm just not sure if I should do it. They get up to some bad hijinks. Laura: At the pool. Adam: Don't laugh, Laura. They hid some poor guys flippers last week.
wmclay over 8 years ago
You’re slipping, Ted. You forgot to have Hillary order a drone to drop some bombs on them.
mattro65 over 8 years ago
Don’t worry, RWNJs will continue to ignore the inconvenient truth in the second panel so they can demonize Mexicans and all other non-whites who talk funny and don’t worship the correct imaginary strong father figure in the sky.
King_Shark over 8 years ago
I notice Amerikastani liberal hypocrites who oppose Trump’s proposed border wall have absolutely no problem with the existing, racist, illegal and imperialist zionist Apartheid Wall in Occupied Palestine.
Doctor Toon over 8 years ago
Their version of Marco Polo was quite a discovery too
mattro65 over 8 years ago
Just like when I taught middle school science and mathematics, the lack of critical thinking thinking and reading comprehension skills makes me sometimes wonder why I bother.
katzenbooks45 over 8 years ago
It’s sink or swim with these guys.
Dani Rice over 8 years ago
Personally, I think they’re all wet.
6.6TA over 8 years ago
So, Mr. Bolton: mattro53 said: —“… don’t worship the correct imaginary strong father figure in the sky.” He is clearly talking about the predominance of the Catholic religion in Mexico.-Did you mean to say that being RC makes Mexican citizens atheists?
Theodore E. Lind over 8 years ago
I too really wonder why so many seem to lack any kind of critical thinking skills. They get to attached to their ideology, it seems facts become totally irrelevant. One would think that the availability of information on the Internet would make it easy for people to research a fact or position but what they end up doing is focusing their search on information that supports their point of view and the ignore all of the conflicting info. This selection bias allows them to reinforce their beliefs and not be bothered by information supporting an opposing view.
ForALaugh Premium Member over 8 years ago
Here’s a message to you storm Trumpers: can’t imagine that anyone that loves America can vote for this man. It’s chilling, to say the least, that he has over single digit support.
ChessPirate over 8 years ago
I don’t think you should, Adam. It looks like the Eels have given them all some pretty nasty wedgies… oh wait, those are just their thongs…
Ethaniel67 over 8 years ago
In my opinion its the kettle calling the pot black in most of these comments.
But hey, enjoy feeling good demeaning people you don’t understand with “facts” that make you feel god.
Mr. Blawt over 8 years ago
If this president has done better on immigration, he will not get credit from the Republicans. If he creates more jobs, less Executive orders, dug us out of a depression, got health care for more Americans than ever and ended our war for nothing in Iraq. Any of these accomplishments are considered bad things and have been promised to be reversed by Trump. If the illegal immigration flow has been stemmed, it must be a bad thing for the auto-nay-saying right-wing president haters.
rekam Premium Member over 8 years ago
Hope Bev’s okay.
HabaneroBuck over 8 years ago
Half of the problem with the southern border is not Mexicans, but Central Americans coming in, many trafficking humans and drugs. Drugs, Inc. from National Geographic documents lots of this activity. Believe it or not, people, putting up walls actually makes it very difficult for these groups to engage in illegal activity. They are always changing their approaches based on US Border Patrol. It’s not the be-all, end-all, but patrols and fences save lives, cut down on the drug trade, and protect our country from invaders. The evidence is irrefutable.
pam Miner over 8 years ago
Mexico will NOT pay for the wall. They are not stupid, they are not backward even. They have an economic problem, but they also have one of the richest men in the world, they have an army.They will fight Trump over it and I hope even Trumpf isn’t dumb enough to fire a nuke at Mexico.
gfredrickson85 over 8 years ago
Hopefully he wasn’t still wearing them.
wiatr over 8 years ago
It could be worse. There are other things that could be hidden that are more important.
pam Miner over 8 years ago
make-up facts from the liberals.These are similar to made up facts from conservatives like the whole republican congress not believing that climate change is real, for instance.
pam Miner over 8 years ago
Really. I can maybe understand having a 2 year screening for Muslims, not because they are all terrorists, most of them are not,, but to make like your amigo wait over 4 years with not even a little progress, that doesn’t make sense.
echoraven over 8 years ago
Isn’t “taco bowl engagement” how the DNC referred to hispanics?
Malcolm Hall over 8 years ago
I’m so excited at the prospect of reading Rall’s take on the VP debate. Actually, I’m not. I’ll be surprised if he even addresses the event.