What happened to Gary’s head?It looks way different, like his head shrunk.Please don’t change Gary’s looks, he looks awful today.I love reading about Gary, and my favorite id the rat.I have had pet rats for years and have a hunch that you had pet rats too. It was cool that Gary turned into a bat so the rat got to ride.
pam Miner over 8 years ago
What happened to Gary’s head?It looks way different, like his head shrunk.Please don’t change Gary’s looks, he looks awful today.I love reading about Gary, and my favorite id the rat.I have had pet rats for years and have a hunch that you had pet rats too. It was cool that Gary turned into a bat so the rat got to ride.
Knightman Premium Member over 8 years ago
joegee over 8 years ago
I like that the neighbor has green skin. Is she another supernatural creature or did the colorist decide to let his/her artistic license out to play ?
CeeJay over 8 years ago
Pabst Blue Ribbon! Ahhh, a flashback to my drinking daze. Of course back then it was a “working class” beer.
Sisyphos over 8 years ago
Good grief! What have you unleashed upon Mankind, doctor? Have you no mercy?!
Sisyphos over 8 years ago
Finally! Gary has taken Leopold’s advice and is doing “that hypnotic vampire thing” in panel 3—notice the gesture!
But, did you remember to use a Bela Lugosi accent when you asked to borrow the pancake mix, Gary?
David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace over 8 years ago
Night-Gaunt49 said,
“No not thee Hungarian accent. Such a bore and cliched.”
Cliches get that way because they are liked and used.Squirrelchaser over 8 years ago
In color now?