Good luck getting a mastiff into a tree anyway. When I had my bullmastiff he would absolutely not do stairs. My cats took full advantage of this and would sit on the stairs just out of his reach. They got quite a shock when my brother brought his bullmastiff over. The cats ran part way up the stairs and stopped and turned around, expecting the dog to have stopped at the bottom. He did not. Two cats got absolutely covered in slobber…
Krazgamer over 8 years ago
Love the artwork for AJ and Magnus.
BJIllistrated Premium Member over 8 years ago
Well, it IS built around a tree…..and it look like a cool fort, so what’s the problem?
I AM CARTOON LADY! over 8 years ago
Don’t bother them with facts and details, Dad!
Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo] over 8 years ago
Magnus, named after Magnus the Robot Fighter?
up2trixx over 8 years ago
Good luck getting a mastiff into a tree anyway. When I had my bullmastiff he would absolutely not do stairs. My cats took full advantage of this and would sit on the stairs just out of his reach. They got quite a shock when my brother brought his bullmastiff over. The cats ran part way up the stairs and stopped and turned around, expecting the dog to have stopped at the bottom. He did not. Two cats got absolutely covered in slobber…
Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo] over 8 years ago
If they are happy, let it go.