Tom the Dancing Bug by Ruben Bolling for November 24, 2016

  1. Sociald 1
    JudasPeckerwood  about 8 years ago

    Some things never change…

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  2. Wcfields
    Funny_Ha_Ha  about 8 years ago

    Master debaters are always right.

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  3. Grey justice
    SKJAM! Premium Member about 8 years ago

    He is a “Right Man”, which has nothing to do with being on the political right…

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    King_Shark  about 8 years ago

    Ironic then that Bolling is a fanatic supporter of Killary, who voted to invade Iraq, and who was backed by…George W Bush and all the other neocons who invaded Iraq.


    Not that I expect consistency or honesty from liberals.

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  5. Time to sit back and watch the show
    cgrantt57 Premium Member about 8 years ago


    It’s ironic that you would try to point out the irony in going to war in Iraq by being lied to by the Bush administration.

    They lied their way into the war, and a lot of people believed it, naively trusting that Bush and his cabal knew what they were doing.

    What’s truly ironic is that y’all did it again. You believed Clowny McFartFace when he said he’d build a wall, and lock her up, and drain the swamp in DC. He’s backed away from the wall; he doesn’t want to investigate Hillary; and he’s appointed quite a number of Washington insiders and lobbyists to key positions in his administration.

    I guess I should admire Republicans for being consistently wrong on just about everything.

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    puddleglum1066  about 8 years ago

    Terrorist, cgrantt: in the immortal words of Homer Simpson, “you’re both right!” Hillary is a warmongering shill for Wall Street, and The Donald is a racist, incompetent buffoon. And this is the hairball that “the greatest system of government ever invented by humanity” barfed up for us in 2016.

    .Fun fact: since 1945 the USA has had the chance to design governments for four separate conquered nations. All four of them were variations on the English parliamentary system; none of them were variants on our system.

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    kevin87031  about 8 years ago

    I like the fourth panel in which he insists the kid is wrong.

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    kevin87031  about 8 years ago

    Trump also seems to be backtracking on Obamacare and global warming.

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    Kip W  about 8 years ago

    Clinton voted to allow Bush to have the power of declaring war in order, as he said, to have leverage to bring Saddam to the bargaining table. So of course he used it right away and implemented a plan that had been on his table since Day 1, so I’ll agree Clinton was too gullible of his supposed “president facts,” and too worried about the PR blitzes the RW mainstream media was enabling.

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    jpozenel  about 8 years ago

    Sadly, he will always have an audience.

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  11. Me on trikke 2007    05
    pam Miner  about 8 years ago

    Now the “sore winners” will blame liberals for everything that is going on, every bad thing they can and will think of, because the powers B are trying and succeeding at making us into tribalisms, making us forget how guilty the ones in Charge are, them blaming each other.Now is not the time to gloat, but a time to reach out in friendship to each other, and start for use all to figure out WHY.Now is the time to show love and compassion to each other.

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